Friday, June 5, 2015

Günther Jauch: error ade – ZEIT ONLINE

The King of inconsequential chatting finished his ARD Talk – and thus a big misunderstanding. Günther Jauch is neither a journalist nor a lawyer of the little man

 Günther Jauch in his eponymous ARD talk show in Berlin >

Günther Jauch in his eponymous ARD talk show in Berlin | © Joerg Carstensen / dpa

Errors can be quite persistent. The one who, for example, after three beers you could easily drive a car, adheres tenaciously known even among Bavarian leading politicians. Even that dogs howl at the moon, young people are more violent or colds are caused by cold, does not become real, that you repeated it constantly. Since one could equal the greatest conceivable error of our day believe. In a direct dial through people Günther Jauch would get the majority

Anyone who believes that believes might also, Germany’s most popular television presenter is also a good talk show host or even a bit crazy: a journalist. But well – now is with this fairy tale indeed final. At the end of Günther Jauch will cease to be what he is not simply determined and yet gets millions senselessly wasted Euro: Günther Jauch . Then the RTL-face Sunday evening for the last time changes to the time over to the private biotope public exile and welcomes guests in the ARD. Then his round of talks after four years on the air despite constant viewing figures over the transmitter section history. . An error less in the field of persistent Urban Legends

Because Günther Jauch was, it is all possible: A Kaiser unsuspecting Entertainments, the king of the trivial chatting, Edelmann various entertainment shows for citizens , peasants, beggars. He can just as overdriven Saturday night buzzing consecrate profane daily quizzes to serene Hochamt all-German evening entertainment and the television Altmedium thus a kind of nonchalant Relevance suggest. Even better but can Jauch the aristocracy serious TV Dispute profane so that they are intellectually inconsequential, outwardly sometimes warm, internally meaningless and empty.

Therefore you have only a couple of weeks back hike on the time axis linear television. In April it was because not drowned in the Mediterranean even more refugees than usual, but the media were startled by a few particularly lossy accidents of tugs boats. For this reason, now the nice man Jauch invited not only the racist Brachial publicist Roger Köppel from Switzerland to the dispute, but also a friendly philanthropists who rescues shipwrecked on their own and suddenly did something that brought the moderator to the brink of sanity: He demanded silence for the victims of Europe’s isolationist policy.

And what did Jauch? He bristled, stammered, waved, rank visible to rule sovereignty and granted but an audience of silence in Quasselforum, only that they could last less than 60 seconds, but around half – then he broke off the sublime moment, went on to other matters, and thus finally tore the mask from his face. Günther Jauch, born in 1958 in Münster, as there still priests held Green set the tone, applies namely the medium of power interests as the voice of the common man -. But what he is not

It is like made for underlayers TV from RTL with its irresponsible Ballermannbespaßung which structurally distorts the lie to the fact and objectivity most homeopathic doses. Here plays the sportafine greenhouse des Bayerischen Rundfunks since 1999 for nearly five million viewers Trusted rate godfather with lausbübischer empathy for the mysterious ends mob. Not later than the refugee mission in April but suggests how much Pose is in it and how little truth.

This is supported not least the businessman in the moderator, where the compassionate image for years inflates the account, estimated since 2011 with ten fees million a year for one hour workweek plus pre- and post that he also by his own company i & amp; can produce u TV. For the elite pupil with a manorial estate in the wealthy royal city of Potsdam has not only the better Anne Will the major scene terminal displaced to the Aschenputtelplatz on Wednesday, but the Gremlins ARD otherwise by the nose by the Arena of campaign drawn to untapped audiences.

Even Father Ernst-Alfred, he nevertheless actually journalist should, once said about his son, “making Günther, although I do not understand, but it is probably well paid” to add: “Nobody knows why.” The can, even if it the professional snobbery of an old print reporter before Millionaire might be sprung, only agree. Jauch Junior is indeed very nice, but shockingly arbitrary; Education strongly, but weak opinion; entertaining but trivial. All relations that are a lucrative career in commercial radio conducive. For state treaty primed primetime of basic utility ARD they suck much less

That he with 58 years -. From private and professional reasons, he sent word – now attracts the ripcord, thus is a bombshell of extension consent NDR as principal. They should regret it there only until there is a seriöserer moderator most important talk show Square Media Republic. Anyone who does not only have high approval ratings during less demanding audience, but on a couple of other things that are conducive political television journalism: competence, knowledge, eye level. Ade error.


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