Friday, June 12, 2015

From the Guardian for Ranger: Jurassic World – this is not the end – NEWS


 Thursday, June 11, 2015


 The man is a force of nature: Chris Pratt. No wonder that he, apologized for everything he could possibly even say in advance. In “Jurassic World” but his words can soothe anyone – the Dinos are going


Hollywood accesses currently yes like deep, no, not in the toilet, in the mothballs. In addition to “Mad Max”, “Poltergeist” and the re-infusion of the “Terminator” (seriously, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger) it is therefore logical that the dinosaurs may play again. 22 years ago, that Steven Spielberg has hunted through the “Jurassic Park” us – now is from the “Park” equal a “World” and became the director he leaves a younger. Colin Trevorrow is responsible for the new edition – and that he did not bad

But first, Chris Pratt:. The “Guardians of the Galaxy” star, who now has to fight against evil dinosaurs, although he loves it, has – purely prophylactically – apologized “wholeheartedly” for insulting remarks – which he has not yet made. “I would like to formally for everything I accidentally hit the press tour for my new film ‘Jurassic World’ say apologize,” said the 35-year-old on his Facebook page. “I hope you believe me that I never want to offend anyone, and I’m sorry for everything awful. Honestly, I’m the nicest guy in the world and I regret everything that I have said and will say by mistake.”

Due to the Theatre: Hollywood Stars have to increasingly apologize for even casual remarks and often face a storm of indignant via Twitter and Facebook over. End of January Benedict Cumberbatch (“The Imitation Game”) had made strong for black actors and thereby uses the word “colored” – as it called for the advocates of political correctness long. He had to listen to allegations that he was racially

Always one better

Now to the film. It seems as though Hollywood this summer on the way back to a golden past , The Australian George Miller writes with “Mad Max: Fury Road” his apocalyptic desert saga continues, Arnold Schwarzenegger returns in July with “Terminator: Genisys” on the screens back, and Steven Spielberg puts 22 years after “Jurassic Park” as executive producer with ” Jurassic World “a fourth Dino-house movie, the way you want it in terms of special effects.

Of course, springs from the revival of the blockbuster not only nostalgic feelings, but also financial calculus: Spielberg’s spectacular Dino debut from 1993 was the first film, which grossed over a billion dollars worldwide, in Germany alone have over 18 million viewers the first three “Jurassic Park” parts seen

Always go one better. This ancient Hollywood logic impales the new, technically brilliant 3D spectacle “Jurassic World” on almost self-deprecating. In a gigantic theme park with a petting zoo and aquarium on an island off Costa Rica, scientists tinker with genetically engineered prehistoric beasts to delight the crowds and investors with new attractions.

The ambitious park manager Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) must be constantly present sensations, although the prudent keepers Owen (Chris Pratt) warns of the shenanigans in the test tube. When Claire’s young nephew Gray (Ty Simkins) and Zach visit (Nick Robinson) the park, a catastrophe occurs: A giant dinosaur breaks out of the restricted area and runs amok. The two boys and with them some 20,000 visitors to the futuristic parks at risk of dying.

newcomer with old tricks

directing this action adventure led newcomer Colin Trevorrow, but “Jurassic World” has once again become a typical Spielberg film. The real stars, of course, the dinosaur that made the special effects company Industrial Light & amp; Magic of George Lucas come. Whether sweet Streicheltierchen or snarling beasts. Stomp The Urviecher, lawn, fly and swim in so astonishing “lifelike” on the screen that you ever can hold your breath as a spectator

But Spielberg has to fortunately even actors who are much more than mere decoration. Chris Pratt plays the sensitive Dino Versteher Owen, an outdoorsman who likes to screw in his spare time on his old motorcycle. He fell in love with the cool manager Claire, the first remains aloof, but then even rolls up his sleeves and real grip.

Typically Spielberg is the great adventure, the experience, the two guys Gray and Zach. Fleeing from the Dinos they are allowed to drive jeep, jumping in waterfalls and feel the importance of fraternal assistance. Then the Indian character actor Irrfan Khan (“Slumdog Millionaire”) is responsible for the comic Bays who breaks a lance for the creative chaos and as a helicopter pilot flying crazy maneuvers. Vincent D’Onofrio finally gives the opponent, a slick military experts and technocrats who wants to educate the Dinos to fighting machines.

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Politically’s all very correct advised in this entertaining action-adventure, but in the end count but then the show values. The finale is quite simple: What’s better than a large dinosaur? Two large dinosaurs that devour each other and set the same throughout the theme park in ruins. Almost the whole park, in the end survived one of the critters. To be continued?

“Jurassic World” runs from June 11 in the German cinemas.



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