Thursday, June 4, 2015

Edith Hancke, the eternal brat, has died at 86 years – Tagesspiegel

06/04/2015 23:14 clock From Bernd Matthies

heart and soul in perfect harmony: Edith Hancke died with 86 years. She was one of the last great German people actresses – and a Berlin icon with considerable Rampensau factor.

The fright she has pursued throughout their lives, from the first major appearance in 1949 subsequently to the last 62 years. “But only until the first set of falls,” she said limitation, “then it’s all the same, then you have to win or perish.” Edith Hancke is never lost, not on the stage and not in its numerous film and television roles, with whom she became a great nation Actress On Thursday she died at the age of 86 years after a long illness in her hometown Berlin -.. one of the last of their kind

Edith Hancke was for Berlin believed what Heidi Kabel was for Hamburg or Willy Millowitsch Cologne. An original with the distinctive lilt, with Berlin’s heart and soul, rooted in the home. These blessed with high-wittedness even if the punch line was no textbook, and with the stage hog factor, the even second-rate clothes revved brings, track safely between the clattering concealed doors of marriage and comedy of errors

A postwar career. 1928 Born as the daughter of Charlottenburg bank employee, she visited the bombed Berlin a household school to which Solid to have then saddled but to on spectacles, impressed especially by Hannelore Schroth, still at war in the title role in Lessing’s “Minna von Barnhelm” – also because her Schroth met in the subway after the show: “I was stunned that does not drive a car. “

The resistance of the parents against the career choice seemed to be less pronounced, because she later recalled:” My father just said, child, you need to know what Do you admits there. As surely come some men who promise you a lot of what could end in an ugly way. “They took care of.

Acting was her dream, even though she was reviled by the first failed test as untalented and the possible Rollenfach already seemed pretty tight. Because the Quäkstimme that she owed a botched tonsillectomy let appearances seem rather pointless as youthful lover or poignant tragic actress, “I was too naughty, I was not sexy,” she said once, an expansive cleavage suggestive.

Her first engagement failed almost on sexism

Oddly would be the first commitment of the young thespian nevertheless failed almost to something that would today be called “sexism”: The first audition for the filming of Captain “Biberpelz” asked the director Erich Engel, she should raise her skirt and her legs show – she refused indignantly. Somehow, she still managed to in the film, even before she was allowed to occur for the first time on the stage

The fact she succeeded only in December 1949. She played the Hedwig in Ibsen’s “The Wild Duck” at the Renaissance Theatre , Hancke met the director Ernst Schröder, “since we have only eaten once together pea soup, a small stove that was so because after the war precisely”. Judging by theater director Kurt Raeck not ran smoothly because as a prelude to her partner was Wolfgang Gruner portrayed, was even smaller than she – and she should then embrace as Father also. “Be so kind,” Raeck said, “I’d love to see it even with a gentleman who is a bit bigger.”

It shone with the “porcupine” and “Hesselbachs”

On this day the ascent Edith Hancke began one of the great German people actresses. In countless theater, film and television roles she unfolded her unmistakable comical, sometimes grotesque talent that they also had to lead to the cabaret, as an ensemble member of the Berlin “porcupines”. On television, she starred alongside Heinz Rühmann in “Captain of Koepenick”, was the title role in “Without crime goes Mimi never go to bed” or shone in the “Hessel Bach”.

When Rias she was in the entertainment series “Pension Spreewitz” a crowd pleaser. For synchronous rolling her voice was certainly not optimal, but if something suitable came, they made something out of it: From 1991 to 1994 she spoke in the American cartoon series “Dinosaurs” Baby Sinclair that the winged exclamation “Not the Mama “became famous

For many it was the eternal brat, Friedrich Luft called them.” a refreshment at Berlinischer casualness “, but exceptional for a serious matter: It was in 1956 after the premiere of Erich Maria Remarque’s piece . “The last station”, a drama about a concentration camp refugee in the last days of the war Remarque’s wife Paulette Goddard adored her perfume, and also the audience gifted – with emotions, “among women particularly, as I then on stage the Russians abschleppten as well as their relevant experience “.

The ladies had indeed now in the Tribune the Hancke celebrated many triumphs

Curth Flatow, who invented some of his characters especially for them, called it “The Duse from Ernst-Reuter-Platz” – there was the “Tribune”, in which they celebrated many of her stage triumphs. They told him: “I have stipulated to me, if possible every five years time to play a piece in which not only nonsense is made. I will indeed show times that I something else can. “One of these pieces, the socially critical” window to the hallway “of Flatow and Horst Pillau, they called after countless appearances as her favorite role.

A life, bulging of anecdotes. In 1961 she got to do with Klaus Kinski, who had “The strange countess” almost choked on the set of the shooting of the film. “Kinski was really easy to care for,” she recalled, “but when he played, he was uncontrollable. He should, of course, only do so when he choked me, but then he grabbed my neck with both hands and then turned a blind realize that I panicked, raised his arm and slapped him. “The scene could be repeated with a slightly more cautious Kinski.

Without intrigue the Chose but did not run, others were unfriendly as Kinski, about the Remarque director Paul Verhoeven, who was replaced by his daughter Lis secretly, or the colleague Heidemarie Hatheyer that always located deliberately put down that Edith Hancke had to play with his back to the audience.

There are now her Schiller Theater no longer, not even the “Tribune”, where it in 1970 her future husband Klaus Sonnenschein met. Both celebrated there a great success with the pieces of Curth Flatow, but also worked on the Kurfürstendamm stages, for example with the indestructible dud “Pension Schöller”. TV out film her: Her heart belonged to the theater. Only there she experienced personally and without waiting for the immediate responses to their own work: “Whether people laugh at me or cry, I will but listen.”

The tabloid newspapers they grudged no scandal

In particular, the boulevard theater was her life – but the tabloid newspapers they denied any scandal. Klaus sunshine, their robust, hardly less popular fellow actors, she married in 1972 – he has accompanied her until her death. In 2011, he wrote to her in the “BZ”: “Two years ago, you had your 62 years on stage. And then you said: So now it’s good. We had also for decades every night – except Christmas Eve – stood on stage, plus the tours, samples. No, there’s enough time. “

Previously there had never been a glittering jubilee gala, not even the 60th She waved, defied all relevant suggestion. “Other people are even 60 years in the theater, I do not want that because so much ado is made drum.” In any case, it has repeatedly emphasized that she wanted to do it as long as Jopie Heesters under any circumstances, “if I do the spoon has to give, then just do not in the theater. People should finally relax “

The question of what she wanted for colleagues to meet again in the afterlife, she has answered with great pleasure and very berlinisch:.” Well, a lot! Günter Pfitzmann, Horst Buchholz, Brigitte Mira, Heinz Rühmann, to name just a few. “The funny ensemble up there get important gain.

” Lift the rock? Where would we be then “:!. Read here an appreciation of our editor Andreas Conrad 85th Birthday Edith Hancke October 2013

“I was rude, not sexy”: Patrick Wilder Mann has entertained 2009. Edith Hanke about their lives



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