Monday, June 1, 2015

After Münster “Tatort” “Tatort” -Ermittler want gay Commissioner – ABC Online

Monday, 01.06.2015, 17:48
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” Tatort “from Münster play Boerne and Thiel, the gay couple only. “Tatort” star Axel Prahl sees the result not only as slapstick, but as a statement in favor of gay marriage. He also calls for a gay “scene” commissioner – and is not alone

  • “Tatort” actor for gay commissioner.
  • So far there is only one lesbian detective
  • The latest Münster- “Tatort” also provides for review

“Tatort” commissars see the time has come for a gay colleague. “I do believe that the audience would accept a gay or a lesbian Commissioner Commissioner. That might indeed very interesting situations arise Tatort “star Axel Prahl of” “said” Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung “(NOZ) on Monday. So far there is only the “crime scene” from the Swiss Lucerne a gay character that lesbian Commissioner Liz Ritschard (Delia Mayer). Occasion of the debate is the new “scene” from Münster.

In the thriller episode “Explain chimera” from Münster, the investigators duo Frank Thiel was (Prahl) and Karl-Friedrich Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) than gay couple out to the rich uncle from Florida (Christian Kohlund) to deceive for an inheritance.

Prahl: I support gay marriage

Prahls Swiss actor-colleague Stefan Gubser alias Reto Flückiger agreed with him: “A gay commissioner would the ‘crime scene’ certainly give a new color and the never hurts “, Gubser said the” NOZ “. “Moreover, it would be wonderful if such a large community would also be represented in the ‘crime scene’.”

Prahl had the “NOZ” said on Saturday that he the episode from Sunday well as a statement of the marriage law for same-sex couples see: “Everyone needs to know himself and to decide how he is happy, so I of course support the same-sex marriage.”

Mixed reactions to Klamauk- “Tatort”

Since Ireland has voted in a referendum for the equality of homosexual partnerships, discussion of such a step in Germany’s revived. Above all, the predominantly Christian Union parties but have a hard time with it.

Also Prahls costar Jan Josef Liefers had his thoughts on marriage for all manifested. In a “Bild am Sonntag” interview he said: “It would have been better for me to Germany would have gone the step before Ireland to equate same-sex marriages. We were once very progressive on these issues. “

At the heart of the current TV from Münster If it came to a dead young Brazilians. The inquiry, there were traces of a wine merchant and provide a connection to Boernes gay Erbonkel.

In the audience the case came back to a lot of love, but also criticism. Some were pleased with the exceptional performance of the investigator, others saw it as too much slapstick. The film from Sunday was the 27th case of Münster since 2002.

How old are you really?

The press had the Crime reviewed beforehand differently. “Spiegel Online” wrote about: Cha [no link text available] rleys Aunt “Even if the performer Liefers and Prahl, great praise, after all, for avoiding too tuckiges behavior, this vice rolled version is” The “taz” to nowhere. ” “said, however:” So if you “frumpy” the word also kind of nice my can, then the cases are somewhat trutschig Münster in a very wonderful way “

Video: Behind the scenes – Calculate here.” Tatort “commissars

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