No provocation, much praise for Schäuble: Greece’s finance minister gives himself tame at Günther Jauch. There remains: How was 2013 with the middle finger
Greek Finance Yanis Varoufakis early March at a press conference in Athens. In Günther Jauch he speaks of “small, insignificant liquidity problems” | © Yannis Kolesidis / EPA / dpa
After 20 minutes, Günther Jauch opened the Greek Finance Minister what Germany is thinking about it. “The Germans” were already very irritated with the way he auftrete he says Yanis Varoufakis. And ‘the Germans “had already feel that their solidarity will not be valued in Greece
And then it comes, as it must for Varoufakis these days. Jauch shows in his talk show, for that of the politicians is switched live from Athens, the images of the home story of Varoufakis French tabloid Paris Match You are controversial, the accusation is simple. How can the Greek finance minister just now be photographed in glamor shots, if you please
A YouTube video of a lecture in 2013 in Zagreb can upload Jauch. This Varoufakis presents his proposal that Greece in January 2010 officially bankrupt within the euro zone should have explained. And while he says “Then one shows up Germany’s finger and says: Now triggers but the problem itself,” he shows a middle finger with the left hand
allegations against Jauch editors.
But Varoufakis has actually shown the finger? Varoufakis acts upset with Günther Jauch. “This is a fake video. The finger is purely mounted (‘doctored’) was,” he says. In Berlin, then a horrified look Jauch into the camera. It can investigate its editorial, but as soon it can not resolve the matter. The media journalist Stefan Niggemeier raises the Jauch-editors nor the night before, to have put the statements of Varoufakis in the wrong context. The explosive is large: If the video is actually real and Varoufakis claims to the contrary just before a German audience of millions, he has to put up with the accusation of lying. With all the consequences that it can be transferred to the Minister lie
The middle finger. It is the highlight of this show on Twitter, the hashtag is it even #fingergate. For days before the announced television appearance of Varoufakis had caused a sensation. Why is he doing at that commentators asked, just in Germany? Especially in the past few days, the mood seemed to tilt against him. Was from a private feud between him and Wolfgang Schäuble – on TIME ONLINE – talk. And of increasing isolation in the Greek government.
On Sunday evening, could “the Germans” Now take a picture of Varoufakis. And lo and behold: he speaks quite sensible things. He replies, perhaps extravagant here and there, but compared to some press conference in Brussels, he keeps shortly. The man has eaten chalk, no question. Wolfgang Schäuble he calls several times “Doctor Schäuble” and speaks highly of him – soliciting, probably repels not only Schäuble, but probably have the opposite effect of even more affection. And as a spectator you are not sure whether the “small insignificant liquidity problems” of Greece, of which Varoufakis speaks are extremely awesome cheeky irony, or at least a sure sign that this man has somehow did not understand what it is just .
Varoufakis reacts annoyed
During a moderate men in jacket and shirt sitting in Athens in front of a bookcase, Günther Jauch has loaded stereotypes into the studio in Berlin. The Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder (CSU) must thresh phrases and image postulate -Schlagzeilen – much heartier than the also charged image commentator and ex-Germany radio director Ernst Elitz, the may feel exactly twice to speak. “Greece needs his homework,” says Söder. The style of the new Greek government was “not appropriate” to many interviews. “The Germans tend to be behind Schäuble behind you, Mr. Varoufakis.” And anyway, SYRIZA should the coalition partner, the right-wing populist party Anel terminate. Varoufakis reacts annoyed and prohibits interference in coalition questions
While the gentlemen in Berlin -. Including moderator Günther Jauch – confine itself to confront Varoufakis with stereotypes and prejudices, at least the only woman makes in the round, Ulrike Herrmann, for some thematic content. The Taz -Wirtschaftsjournalistin explained the round once the debt trap, stuck in the Greece since 2010.
She thinks it obviously necessary, Jauch and Söder once again the difference between debt and explain primary surplus. While the two confined mainly to a style discussion, Herrmann called after all numbers. Not surprising, but still. Greece debt they estimated at about 320 billion euros. Even when you finally bring even the richest Greeks to pay taxes, to a maximum of generating 5.3 billion euros. The creditors of Greece are Herrmann unwanted truths along the way. “The money is gone,”
Dull prejudices prime time
Varoufakis unfortunately only responds spongy on Jauchs demand, if it’s true then. Instead, the program is sinking at the end suddenly in great harmony. After nearly an hour of talk even Söder is sounded, the image -part Elitz anyway. The proposal to give possible reparations Germany into a foundation and then the reparations to discuss separately from the current budget needs, even Varoufakis can agree without any problems.
A remarkable show. Once again it shows how much yet determine the clichés Greece debate in Germany. And how much just wanted to show off some gentlemen in the round Varoufakis. CSU-man Söder is not too bad, dull prejudice prime time even further to use: “Everyone in Germany is working really hard,” he said Varoufakis. And dear viewers, please please complete now: “And the Greeks are lazy”
Jauch can go through so much Stammtisch simple.. Rather, he distributed the end even on camera top notes – the Greek finance minister had “bravely fought” – and stops in front of Varoufakis as to what “the Germans” and “the Greeks” would think so. And, although Varoufakis asked the same question after five minutes of airtime to talk not just floored by “the Germans” and “the Greeks”. But even that was probably already too differentiated concern for the round in Berlin.
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