Monday, March 23, 2015

Tired Günter Jauch talk to equal pay – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Hamburg – Of course it honors Günther Jauch, that he which is still too little attention “Equal Pay Day” dedicated to the mission: The day, which refers to the still rampant wage gap between men and women

On the other hand. No word, not even a syllable about middle finger? A bit of a shame is that after all the excitement that is the cause of the appearance of the Greek finance Yanis Varoufakis in the past week. After the “NZZ” has even called for Jauch’s resignation because he with his middle finger-Box video “of fundamental standards of journalism violated” I, the moderator did not have to explain at least? A playful approach to #fingergate and #varoufake would have been possible, “swear to splurge, embarrassment – how much middle finger in all of us?”, Which would not have been a nice sequel theme. Peer Steinbrück, the Geissens, the ADAC, again Varoufakis: If you would not be able to invite all!

Instead, “The unjust wage – why women earn less?”

Okay. It really is much more important. According to the Federal Statistical Office is the gender pay gap – what a hands-word monster authorities – in Germany currently 22 percent. Which means that we gentlemen had to work 20 March until last Friday have to start if we wanted to come to the female annual earnings. An absurdity, there was one in the panel discussion also in complete agreement, which in turn seems to be a typical accompanying phenomenon of unequal treatment: all regret and condemn them publicly. . What of inequality does not matter

To change that, Manuela Schwesig now plans to put an Equal Pay Act, whose main content is a legal right for employees: You have the right to know the criteria by which their pay is concluded , “Through such information one is placed in a negotiating position,” argued the Minister for Family Affairs in the panel discussion. The CDU (“efforts shoot over the top”) and the FDP (“bureaucracy Monster”) on the other hand – perhaps the Jauch-talk would have been a little controversial when their representatives had been sitting there

Niejahr provided details and differentiation

However, the discussion focused mainly of national education. Manuela Schwesig had most of the speech units and you detailed explained the context of the wage gap: that men on average more than 40 hours per week, on average women but only 19 were working, although three quarters of the men wanted to slow down. That the difference in pensions between women and men is even 59 percent.

provided the relevant details and differentiations “time” -Redakteurin Elisabeth Niejahr: You mentioned that our tax system with income splitting and mini-job scheme favoring a culture in which the man is the breadwinner and the woman for no more than In addition to the job responsibility. And that there is a historical tradition to keep jobs in the social sector, in the care and education pay excessively for negligible. The counterpart to Niejahr played Roland Tichy. Also the “Bild am Sonntag” columnist course regretted the gap and inequality. But the higher industrial wages have just enforced the trade union movement for the mainly male occupations: “How to get out of there?” asked Tichy. “You can not say yes to IG Metall, waiting times for a few years with wage gains!”

So we went a few times half kicking back and forth: Tichy ranted a little against the Schwesig-law and found the problem it dissolves into the extent of yourself as young women crowded into previously typical male sectors. Niejahr argued that in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, where skilled labor shortage, the wage gap is particularly large. Tichy claimed that the numbers did not.

opportunity for ranting

Then there was a gentleman saddle Berger, telecom manager, who saw the responsibility of companies. It was about the “ethos of a guild” he says, referring to the Personalabteiungen. “If the company culture built on fairness or distribution fight?” The villain in the round should be a hotel chain CEO named Thomas Worl play who does not hold the whole equality so much and phrases said like, “There must be a way that I do when I have more powere if I make more, even earn more. ”

Unfortunately, held the young man with the strange hair style does not really on the topic and accepted the invitation to prominent Sunday Talk as an opportunity for ranting. “Mir is too conservative, always this separation into male and female, Christian and Muslim, which is a grave fight their party,” he said in the direction Schwesig. “You’re not proud that they have done it without quota for women? Surely you can even be proud of!”

Ms Schwesig took it in stride. And simply said again: “If a wage gap of 22 per cent is there and if that permeates through all income groups and professions, I can not stand there and say. All is well” Perhaps we should make it easier to Cuba or Venezuela: All stations will be brought into line on Sunday night and must emit a Schwesig-lecture on wage inequality.


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