Tuesday, March 24, 2015

“Tatort” from Münster: why Thiel and Boerne must remain – STAR

S teht Germany’s most popular “Tatort” team stopped? “Bild” newspaper speculated, Axel Prahl and Jan Josef Liefers could not extend their current contract until 2017 at the ARD crime series. This would mean: There are only four episodes of the Münster-trailer Thiel and Boerne to see, then closing

But it does not have to happen.. Prahl and Liefers do not have enough time to think about their future. We help both in their decision – and deliver five reasons why they should continue

1.. Real Men Friendship

Thiel and Boerne are perhaps the finest example of a functioning male friendship on German television. And the most modern. Because in the 21st century men no longer need to express this, that together they destroy vast quantities of beer, bawling run through the streets and make pointedly at her buddy affection. The two characters Münster propagate rather the model “old couple”. Permanent they taunt each other, trying on every occasion one wipe and let in Contact each friendliness miss. But all this can not hide the fact that they depend deep in their hearts to each other and would not be one without the other conceivable. Almost like Bert and Ernie. Or Laurel and Hardy. Not without reason, they live next door to. You need just.

. 2 Modern Family Values ​​

“All in the Family”, you said earlier. But times of the extended family are long gone. In its place, a network of people who care for each other and form a social network. Here are a leader of Münster. To Thiel and Boerne is a great community has formed, which is based in daily life. In addition to the two armed cocks are Bornes colleague Silke “Alberich” Haller (ChrisTine Urspruch), Thiel assistant Nadezhda Krusenstern (Friederike Kempter) and the prosecutor Wilhelmine terminal (Mechthild Grossmann). With Thiel Vadder Herbert (Claus Dieter Clausnitzer) even a biological relative of one of them. The dauerbekiffte taxi driver benefits from the fact that in this social network are not all related by blood: In one episode, he even slept with the prosecutor

3.. Musical Education

Even before the Pegida demonstrations in Dresden we know that the West is threatened. In particular, the Western musical tradition, it is bad. Instead of Mozart and Beethoven know the older viewers only Madonna and The Beatles, not even the younger. The Minster “crime scene”, however, goes a brutal training program: In Boernes office in the coroner’s a portrait of Gustav Mahler depends, and otherwise is in the Follow lot of music: In the anniversary episode “Summ, Summ, Summ” hear the coroner with pop singer Roland Kaiser Hotel Richard Wagner, the episode “The Chinese princess” brings Puccini’s opera “Turandot” hearing and playing in the plot to it, and also at home listening to Boerne lot of music – especially Wagner and Italian opera is his hobby. So you could say: The Minster “Tatort” replaces the in school often failed music lessons

4.. History

Who was never in Münsterland, it learns by Thiel and Boerne well know. The Crime provides a perfect insight into the yellow Catholicism and agriculture area. The cases play times in the milieu resounding student associations, on horse farms and other agricultural goods, sometimes under asparagus engravers, then it goes again the seminary. And again and again the cyclists are in the picture. After 26 episodes Münster- “Tatort” we know enough about the region in order to write a guide.

. 5 Humor instead concern

In public television, it is often spasmodic, when it comes to people who do not conform to the norm in any way. It may be that they have a foreign passport, belonging to religious minorities, same sex practice are too fat, too thin, too big or too small. Whenever it is in the “Tatort” emphasizes politically correct. Munster knows a better way: humor. So must put up with regularly Boernes diminutive assistant Silke Haller. It begins with the nickname of “Alberich” she is called by her boss. There are also constant taunts. So there you have to Boerne times: “When the cake speaks of silent crumbs.” The so reviled not react with dismay about or is offended. But does the right thing: She pays her boss back in the same coin – and showing that she is above him



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