Sunday, April 17, 2016

TV Column “Anne Will”: “Today, small wages, tomorrow Altersarmut”: whining on … – ABC Online

Monday, 04.18.2016, 12:18 · FOCUS-Online-author Carin Pawlak
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” Anne will “is discussed poverty among the elderly. We learn: Riester has failed. The SPD anyway. The pensioners of the future will be in need. A discussion on mourners level.

Whenever there is the opportunity to fast ranzuschmeißen to the people, Horst Seehofer is not far away. The Blüm’schen hit “The pension is safe,” wants the Bavarian Prime Minister as a feat. DJ Hotte now covern. The level of state pensions must be stabilized, the Riester pension is a crash failed. And also: Half of future pensioners generation is dependent on social assistance, so Hartz IV So you can also win voters.. . Maybe

Even the basic thesis is false

It dispels “Anne Will” a Debattierrunde who’s bore the title: “Today small wage, tomorrow Altersarmut – denied the welfare state ? “But the issue is already formulated gruesome, and there is then a miserable discussion because the basic thesis is misinterpreted.

the redistributive state wants all the same make

Susanne Neumann’s Housekeeper. Ill with cancer. Sitting now in the round and complains. they have 35 years clean – and now? 900 euro stood to her that if she continued pays up to retirement age. An education the woman has not completed the way. Now she wonders: “What did I do wrong?” Nothing really, except the assumption that a German citizen gets a big state pension without trained profession. In other words,? Target now in redistributive state of unskilled same pensions received as the highly skilled

Performance pays

He rants Hannelore force, Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, for minutes on the successes of the SPD. Phrase Check “action”, “improvements”, “total package”. The Socialists that crashes every day more and rightfully so, from 2001 have pulled through significant reforms that have stimulated the labor market. The have ensured that performance pays and the idler does not get as much money as the one who is served every morning on the mat.

The scissors, yeah

This looks Marcel Fratzscher, head of the German Institute for Economic Research, somehow different. Holt out verbal scissors that come apart and on and on. He also sees the Riester pension as a failure. Cloned, that the state is investing too little in education. Yes, like now? The cleaning lady would have had more opportunities to education, to earn more pension?

Facts, facts, facts

Hubertus Porschen, head of the “Young Entrepreneurs”, can not score. Tip for the next appearance: lay out facts, establish theses! Just as Rainer Hank can. The business section-chief of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” only takes once apart the WDR study, stating that half of future pensioners will be poor. SPD politician Hannelore Kraft has precaution said that she has not read the results. Also a good preparation for a talk-round. But the only way.

Poverty is a fate? No!

The journalist Hank says that the numbers for that reason could not vote because trainees and students were counted, and with their current salary and not with the money they earn in the future. Hank, also, leads to absurdity, that poverty is a fate with which you have to put up kindly. The son of a janitor has just finished high school, then studied and is now in a leading position in the FAZ. To it is his pension do not have to worry so much. Hannelore Kraft was the first girl a big family, a high school has made. The father was a tram driver, the plan to move into a higher form layer was not mandatory. Woman power will have to make even less concerned about their pension benefits when Mr. Hank.

The zoom pull Housekeeper as an example of the unjust Germany, is ridiculous latest on these CVs. Just as the whole talk about.

In Video: pension level drops dramatically – “Germans threatened poverty”: retirement is for Federal Government increasing problem

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