Friday, April 15, 2016

Illner Talk to Böhmermann – “Enough so silly stuff” – Sü

Only a Kabarrettist has something to say to dispute Böhmermann at Illner. The CSUler and Erdoğan pendant contrast not found together.

TV review by Markus Mayr

Bülent Bilgi had on Thursday night at Maybrit Illner not easy. As the only general secretary of the Union European-Turkish Democrats defended the ZDF the “honor” of its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. And then he had to even leave hold of comedian Oliver lime kiln, it was a “false sense of honor” which he and all Excited docked in this matter. That drove Bilgi sweat in the face

The thing at issue in the panel discussion, was of course, as it should these days be otherwise, that abusive poem by Jan Böhmermann. a satire, which may be called into question – in other words, a “bunch of lines” is how Bilgi called it

With his verses the moderator did next Erdoğan also “addressed the Turkish people racist and insulting. “, found the AKP lobbyist. Bilgi had already made his anger before the broadcast air. In a video on the web channel dbate he turned right at the outset the question: “How hypocritical are the Germans?” On the one hand they were cursing Erdoğan “dictator”, on the other hand they closed a deal with him to finally get the many people perceived as genuine leidig refugee crisis under control.

Unfortunately for the Erdoğan-supporter the presenter interested but not for this question. Rather Illner wanted to know if the Germans are blackmailed in Causa Böhmermann because of the EU-Turkey deal. “Merkel’s Turkey deal – knuckle under Erdoğan” asked Illner their guests

The Chancellor had the satirical piece Bohemian’s publicly referred to as “deliberately hurtful” and thus indicated a possible limit of artistic freedom.. And so then the curtain in front of the stage shared on playing the current state affair. Erdoğan pointed to his alleged offender to the prosecutor. Bilgi, a faithful follower of its President, also complained. Just as “many ethnic Turkish migrants in Germany,” he said. In addition, Turkey called on the government to diplomatic channels, Böhmermann because of – to pull lese majeste in court – to put it bluntly. Still, the decision of the Chancellor and her ministers drags. Sometimes probably because Erdoğan has begun as part of the deal with the EU to take in Greece arrived refugees back to Turkey.

Kuscht Germany before Erdoğan?

But is Germany therefore blackmail? Kuscht the country from Erdoğan, the current bouncer Europe

The problem for Illner: your guests did not want to really engage on this question also. Several times she had her guests bring them back to the topic of the program. The Time -Journalistin Özlem Topçu also found the question here simply “wrong”, but also said that she does not see endangered freedom of expression in Germany in this affair of state. Jean Asselborn defended as pro-European politicians mainly to mid-March closed EU-Turkey deal.

During a spectator wished that this deal would be the satire and not Böhmermann poem to Asselborn wished that instead of talking about Deal of “agreement”. After all, the important thing about the agreement to people, he said Illner, as this is just not accepted as accurate by the terms.

to be

And CSU General Secretary Andreas Scheuer put his focus instead on answers more concerned as his party leader Horst Seehofer. So he took about Viktor Orbán before the accusations that this had not exactly exemplary behavior towards refugees. According to Scheuer, the Hungarian government has simply taken a different path than other European countries in view of the massive influx of refugees and migrants. Orbán had shown no willingness to accept fleeing or work on a common European distribution.


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