Saturday, April 23, 2016

Google intends William Shakespeare with Doodle –

Oops! What’s wrong with Google? For special dates such as birthdays or holidays, the search engine giant exchanges its logo to a Google Doodle. Today there is a Doodle for the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare.

Google is celebrating the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare with a specially made logo on the home page. This Google Doodle called graphic shows a stylized Shakespeare and famous scenes from selected works. So is the Google Doodle insights in “Macbeth,” “Romeo and Juliet” and “Julius Caesar”. The Google Doodle to commemorate special events, (national) holidays, or honoring celebrities of world history at the birth or death days.

London succumbs to Shakespeare fever

Even before the death of William Shakespeare fell London Shakespeare fever: Latest achievement is a map of the known as the “Tube” underground of the British capital, where numerous stations and lines for works of are named poet. The card is to be placed on the Internet on Monday and the London Transport Museum and the Globe Theatre to be available in paper version

The artist Willard Wigan created the anniversary a miniature sculpture of the world famous playwright – Shakespeare. is so shrunk that it fits into a bottleneck. “I had my pulse in the fingers to bring under control in order to create the” Wigan. Said

In the market is now the new smartphone app “Shake Speak”. It allows inexperienced contemporaries to write messages in the style of the famous poet. The personal pronoun “you” is then turned around in the archaic form “thou”, famous curses and swear words Shakespeare are available as well as surprised exclamation from style “What ho!”

You can find more news to the colorful Google Doodle overview.

Google honors the Earth Day in a Google Doodle (source: Google) Google honors the Earth Day in a Google Doodle (Source: Google)

+++ Google Doodle for earth day (22 March 2016) +++

to this day, the earth has Google be Logo replaced by five non-animated images that represent various nature scenes. So shows a Picture a polar bear in a icy landscape, the sky glows an aurora. In the second picture put a cactus, a turtle and several flowers very abstract the Google logo in front of a desert background. Also, an underwater landscape is represented, as well as a fox in a birch forest and an elephant in the steppe. The various images appear alternately, if you refresh the page.

Earth Day is celebrated in 175 countries

The Earth Day is also known as the “Earth Day”. The day of action is intended to strengthen the appreciation of the natural environment and encourage them to rethink consumer behavior. In over 175 countries around the world, the unofficial holiday is celebrated since 1990, which was proposed at a UNESCO conference 1969th

In 2009, on a proposal from the Bolivian government on April 22 by the UN General Assembly to “International mother earth day” explained. President Evo Morales appointed an alternate World People’s Conference on Climate Change, a, which was attended by 30,000 participants from more than 140 countries.

Since 2001, Google remembers with a doodle on this Earth Day, on which humanity shall gather to be more environmentally aware. In New York is lit green on this day the Empire State Building. The Earth Day was also the inspiration for Michael Jackson’s hit “Earth Song”.

Modern Olympic Games celebrate anniversary with a Google Doodle (source: Google). Modern Olympic Games celebrate the anniversary with a Google Doodle. (Source: Google)

+++ Google Doodle to the first Olympic Games (March 6, 2016) +++

Modern Olympic Games – yes, they are not as old as suspects. From 6 to 15 April 1896 the competitions in Greek Athens found officially called “Games of the 1st Olympiad” instead. This anniversary is penalized for Google with a matching Doodle.

The Google Doodle, the “modern Olympic Games” link to the search, is kept in brown tones and is reminiscent of that time. In columns left and right, the year is 1896 – in the middle of the second “O” has been replaced with an athlete at Google lettering. In “Modern Olympic Games” -Doodle now appear Turner, runners and other athletes. Because it’s worth it, the Top of Google several times to visit – or by pressing “F5″ to update -. To more of the graphics to view

Modern Olympic Games thanks to Pierre de Coubertin

Modern Olympics only since 1896? Exactly! Before the competitions in the ancient Greece were banned. The Roman emperor Theodosius I spoke of a ban because of the worship of pagan gods. That there are modern Olympic Games ever, is due to the French historian and educator Pierre de Coubertin. He wanted to transfer the meaning of the ancient Games in modern times and convinced representatives of several sports federations at a congress. Where

The Olympics also place and date of the competitions have been set.

1896 included 43 competitions in disciplines such as gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling and track and field instead. 241 athletes from several nations started. As the most successful athlete of the first modern Olympic Games is considered the German Carl Schuhmann. He won four silver medals and one third. Gold medals were then nothing but was only introduced 1904th The winners of the 1896 Summer Olympics won a silver medal and an olive branch. In “Modern Olympic Games” -Medaillenspiegel the United States (11 silver, 7 bronze) led ahead of Greece (10 silver, 18 bronze) and the German Reich (6 silver, 5 bronze).

Google is dedicated St. Patrick's Day 2016 Doodle (source: Google). Google is dedicated St. Patrick’s Day 2016 Doodle. (Source: Google)

+++ Google Doodle for St. Patrick’s Day 2016 (17 March 2016) +++

Green is on 17 March again omnipresent. Because on this day is celebrated worldwide in 2016 the St. Patrick’s Day. To celebrate the Irish patron Saint Patrick many attractions around the world are immersed in the green light. This year, for example, glow again the pyramids of Giza, the Christ statue in Rio de Janeiro, the Coliseum in Rome or the radio tower in Berlin in green.

For St. Patrick’s Day 2016 shows Google on its home page an interactive logo. It is initially the word “Google” only the “l” green. That however is a shamrock, which then left successively jumps right on all letters and this will turn green after a few seconds. After the shamrock has reached the big “G” skips it in the gap back and will return to a green “l”.

million Irish people with Irish roots and an increasing number of followers of the custom to celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day 2016, big parades, folk dances and more. Here, a green clothing is required. The religious background of the feast advances nowadays but rather in the background. Actually’s Day is commemorated on the Irish Bishop Patrick on St. Patrick, who brought the Christian faith to Ireland. He founded monasteries, schools and churches, thus founding the Catholic Church tradition in the Emerald Isle.

the Google Doodle shows Caroline Herschel in the discovery of a comet (source: Google). The Google Doodle shows Caroline Herschel in the discovery of a comet. (Source: Google)

+++ Google honors the astronomer Caroline Herschel with a Doodle +++

the animated doodle shows a woman who observed with a telescope shooting stars. It represents the German astronomer Caroline Herschel (16.03.1750 – 01.09.1848). Is in the discovery of a comet

When her brother discovered Uranus, Caroline Herschel gave her career as a singer and was his assistant. They provided in this position important contributions in the field of astronomy. So Herschel discovered among other several comets and star clusters and created accurate star maps.

The comet “35P / Herschel-Rigolett” is named after Caroline Herschel

 The Google Doodle shows Clara Rockmore and her Theremin (source: Google) The Google Doodle shows Clara Rockmore and her Theremin (Source: Google)

+++ Google Doodle honors the virtuoso Clara Rockmore and the instrument Teremin (09/03/2016) +++

the interactive Google invites visitors to a virtual theremin hour by Clara Rockmore, the famous virtuoso, a. Here you move your mouse over the individual “keys” that represent the different keys of the instrument. First you play parts of a melody after, then you can use the Theremin for own composing of pieces available.

The “key” here are only an easy to understand representation of sounds, because the theremin is an instrument that is played only by movements in the air. About various settings (gear at the bottom left) can be in the Doodle predetermined marks Hide, so that the simulation of the Theremin is realistic.

At the same time Google honors with this Doodle the concert virtuoso Clara Rockmore (9.3.1911-10.5. 1998), the artistic and technical development of the Theremin decisively influenced by their playing technique. Clara Rockmore was the only woman who drew the instrument classical pieces, which was otherwise used for sound effects in movies.

 Am 17.02.2016 reminded search engine giant Google with a doodle on the 235th birthday of René Laënnec, the inventor of the stethoscope (source: Google). recalls on 02/17/2016 search engine giant Google with a doodle on the 235th birthday of René Laënnec, the inventor of the stethoscope. (Source: Google)

+++ Google Doodle honors the inventor of the stethoscope, René Laënnec (17.2.2016) +++

The non-animated Google Doodle shows two doctors. The left of the two sets René Laënnec (17/02/1781 to 08/13/1826) demonstrate how it works to the 1820s with his self-developed stethoscope. The second doctor is a “modern” doctor. He holds a stethoscope, as we know it today in his hand. Both heard a lung from that depicted in the first “O” logo.

The Doodle commemorates the 235th birthday René Laënnec. The French GP was the inventor of the stethoscope, which uses up today for the diagnosis of sounds and noises of the heart, lungs and intestines. With the invention of the stethoscope René Laënnec has laid the foundation for the development of medicine in this field.

+++ Google Doodle for Valentine’s Day (14/02/2016) +++

The Google doodle for Valentine's Day in 2016 shows two fell cans. (source: Google) The Google doodle for Valentine’s Day in 2016 shows two cans fell. (Source: Google)

The animated Google Doodle from February 14, 2016 shows a teapot and a coffee maker. The two seem to be in love with each other. For the espresso pot pays for Valentine’s Day a red rose – the teapot blushes on very sweet way and lets off some steam. The Google doodle for Valentine’s Day 2016, the graphic designer of the search engine giant did a great job. Who clicks on the Google Doodle, lands on the search results for “Valentine’s Day 2016″.

The Valentine is considered the day of lovers. known for centuries, but its origins are told about legends. In ancient Rome, was commemorated on February 14, the goddess Juno, who was considered a protector of marriage. Even then got women flowers. Namesake of Valentine’s Day is supposed to be the bishop of Terni who was allegedly executed on February 14, 269 for his Christian faith. Valentin had despite imperial ban married couples and gave them flowers. Today, lovers enjoy on Valentine’s Day with little touches: On no day of the year more flowers are given away in Germany. At you will find many more information and interesting stories about the Valentine’s Day .

+++ Google Doodle for Weiberfastnacht 2016 (4.2.2016 ) +++

the Google Doodle celebrating three donuts the Weiberfastnacht 2016. (source: Google) In Google Doodle celebrating three donuts the Weiberfastnacht 2016. (Source: Google)

The animated Google Doodle from February 4, 2016 shows a couple celebrating donuts, Lufschlangen, confetti and cut ties. This is true Google its users an on Weiberfastnacht 2016 in Germany. With the Weiberfastnacht or Altweiberfastnacht the hot phase of the street carnival begins. Always on the Thursday before Carnival Monday the women storm the town halls and take symbolically the regiment. What seems a little effort today, must sooner something very liberating, have almost been revolutionary. The “Wiever Fastelovend”, as it was on Kölsch, returns to its tradition to the Middle Ages. Especially in nunneries it walked up. In days was “danced and jumped,” and at night, when the abbess had gone to bed, played cards. Wives denied their husbands in the “inverted world” of the carnival for a short time to obey. The custom of the men cut the ties, on the other hand came after 1945.

At Weiberfastnacht 2016 has greatly increased in the strongholds of carnival and Shrove presence the police. Reason, the sexual assaults on New Years Eve in Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart. In Cologne to ensure a carefree celebrations 2500 policemen. “That is about three times as many as last year,” said a Cologne police spokeswoman. The foolish goings applicable in this year, especially in Cologne as a test for the police and security forces. After the attacks in New Year’s Eve, the organizers have created a new security concept. This provides not only police but also video surveillance coverage and a “Security Point for women” with professional counselors. At the end of the known Weiberfastnacht also changes nothing in 2016: on time at 11:11 am takes the goings its course. In Dusseldorf, the Möhnen storm the town hall, in Cologne the triumvirate is expected. In Mainz gather at 11:11 am revelers around the Fastnachtsbrunnen in downtown.

+++ Google Doodle for the mechanical television (26.01.2016) +++

On 26.01.2016 Google celebrates with a doodle the 90th anniversary of the mechanical television. (source: Google) On 26.01.2016 Google celebrates with a doodle the 90th anniversary of mechanical TV. (Source: Google)

On 26/01/1926 it was time: in London at the time the first Screening took place. The Scottish inventor J.L. Baird made so that the television is not only known, he thus paving the way for the triumph of today used worldwide medium. A mechanical television works fundamentally different than today’s digital devices. The Mechanical TV breaks down the image to be displayed in individual elements. With the so-called Nipkow disk, the image is decomposed by 24 holes in light-dark signals and reassembled. The rotating disk built as an image with 24 lines. Shortly after this first transfer made the first transatlantic transmission from London to New York. For too long, the use of mechanical television did not last, however, on, already in the 1940s, it was replaced by the electronic television.

+++ Google Doodle for Wilbur Scoville (22.1.2016) +++

in honor of Wilbur Scoville Lincoln there on 22.01.2016 a Google Doodle (source: Google). In honor of Wilbur Scoville Lincoln there on 22.01.2016 a Google Doodle , (Source: Google)

Wilbur Lincoln Scoville (born January 22, 1865 in Bridgeport, Connecticut) was an American pharmacologist. In 1912 he developed a test to measure the sharpness of chili peppers. He called the test Scoville Organoleptic Test. Today, this test is more commonly known as “Scoville Unit”. It measures the level of capsaicin by dilution to the perception threshold. this scale is known today mainly through various TV shows that revolve around bizarre Esswettbewerbe, e.g. the sharpest Currywurst. go to his 151st birthday at the search engine giant Google a matching Doodle, in which a portion of ice cream and chilli are engaged in a little competition.

+++ Google Doodle for Sophie Taeuber-Arp (01/19/2016) +++

the Google Doodle for Sophie Taeuber-Arp uses the style of the Swiss artist on. ( source: Google) The Google Doodle for Sophie Taeuber-Arp uses the style of the Swiss artist on , (Source: Google)

Sophie Taeuber-Arp would have been on January 19, 2016 127 years old. The Swiss painter and graphic artist is one of the most important artists from Europe. Taeuber-Arp was married to the Dada artist Hans Arp and crafted with him several art projects. Her work was characterized by unusual, preferably abstracting approaches – for example, the vertical-horizontal composition (1916). This style reached on Google for his doodle in honor of Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Taeuber-Arp died on 13 January 1943 at the age of 53 years.

+++ Google Doodle for Charles Perrault (12.1.2016) +++

 the Google Doodle for Charles Perrault shows a scene from the fairy tale & quot; Sleeping Beauty & quot ;. (source: Google) The Google Doodle for Charles Perrault shows a scene from the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty “. (Source: Google)

Google is the storyteller: That leaves at least the Google Doodle for Charles Perrault suspect. The French writer would have turned 388 years old on that date. The Google Doodle for Charles Perrault is truly magical. Instead of the usual Google logo on the home page of the search engine is on January 12 to find a signed picture. This shows motifs from the fairy tale “Cinderella”: A princess, a shoe and a horse that goes to a castle. Other motifs show areas of “Puss in Boots” and “Sleeping Beauty”.

Who clicks on the Doodle, lands on the search results to Charles Perrault. There users will know that the French writer was born on January 12, 1628 Paris, where he died on May 16, 1703rd Perrault was through his collection of fairy tales “Histoires ou Contes du temps passé” (1697) became famous and have popularized the genre in France and therefore in Europe – this explains the Wikipedia. Thus Perrault was with his tales well ahead of the famous Brothers Grimm.

+++ Google wants a “Happy New Year 2016″ (31.12.2015 and 01.01.2016) +++

this colorful Doodle Google wants its users a & quot; Happy new year 2016 & quot ;. (source: Google) This colorful Doodle Google wants its users a “Happy New Year 2016 “. (Source: Google)

What are five colorful birds I got to do hats with Google? The likely many users of the search engine on and New Year 2016 issues, because on the side the famous logo has been replaced with an animated image. This so-called Google Doodle the search giant wants its users a “Happy New Year 2016″.

The five Google Doodle Birds are quite droll: You sit on a branch, a has a whistle in his beak, while another croaks and the watch looks (with time 23:55). Between them looked a small crocodile from a green egg with a “2016″ Sash. Who clicks on the Google Doodle, but experienced no fireworks, but only ends up looking for “Happy New Year 2016″.

+++ Google Doodle to the start of the Christmas holidays 2015 (23/12/2015) ++ +

with its own Doodle search engine giant Google wants on 23/12/2015 all beautiful Christmas holidays (source: Google) With its own Doodle search engine giant Google wants on 23/12/2015 all beautiful Christmas holidays (Source: Google)

Google devotes his doodle on December 23, 2015 the start of the Christmas holidays and wishes all a Merry Christmas 2015. on this occasion, Google festive, colorful and cheerful objects, suitable for Christmas, is as cut paper art. In almost all states, the holiday already started. Only in Bavaria, the children have to go again to school today. therefore Google would be with all the kids and parents over the holidays and early on Christmas 2015.

+++ Google celebrates with its own Doodle winter early 2015 (22.12.2015) +++

with its own search engine giant Google Doddle recalls on 22.12.2015 at serving early winter (source: Google). With its own search engine giant Google Doddle recalls on 22.12.2015 at serving early winter. (Source: Google)

Google celebrates on 22 December 2015, the astronomical and calendar winter beginning with its own Google Doodle. The photo shows a snow globe, trickling in the snow and two people on skates their orbits around the Google logo, which is on a snow hill, turn.

On the northern hemisphere winter begins the winter solstice. As of 22 December, the days are getting longer and the nights so shorter. The sun reaches that day at lunchtime the lowest point of their years of railway in the northern hemisphere. This means it is as deep as otherwise never in over the horizon. The day is as short as ever and the night is the longest night of the year.

+++ Google honors Ludwig van Beethoven (17/12/2015) +++

Google honors the composer Ludwig van Beethoven (source: Google) Google honors the composer Ludwig van Beethoven (source: Google)

with an animated Doodle Google honors the world-famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven. The musician was christened on 17 December 1770 in Bonn.

In the musical Doodle can put themselves in the tricky world van Beethoven and deep into his compositions: van Beethoven has to face many obstacles on the way to Vienna Opera House. Constantly losing his valuable symphonies. His songs are gone with the wind, blown up by a horse or fall into the river. But the resourceful Google users can put the pieces together again translated – like a real composer. As nice side effect he hears van Beethoven’s most famous pieces such as the “5th Symphony”, “Für Elise” or the “Moonlight Sonata”.

So the idea for Google Doodle was created

The Google Doodle to commemorate special events, (national) holidays, or honoring celebrities of world history at the birth or death days. The first Doodle was created even before the official establishment of the company: The founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin played in 1998 around the company logo to represent their presence at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert and thus Google’s users to signal their absence in the company .

Two years later, the founders asked their webmaster Dennis Hwang, an intern at that time to design a Doodle for the day of the storming of the Bastille. This was so well received by users that Dennis Hwang was appointed “Chief Doodler”. Since then appear numerous national and international doodles that are created by a specially responsible talented team of graphic designers and illustrators. Members of this team are internally called “The Doodlers”.


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