Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Disturbing encounters in the Amazon region – Badische Zeitung

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21st April 2016

DRAMA: “the shaman and the snake” by Ciro Guerra told visually stunning from the consequences of colonization.

. In the still young 20 century, the German anthropologist and explorer Theodor Koch-Grunberg looks (Jan Bijovet) in the Amazon region with its early death confronted. Several shamans have already tinkered unsuccessfully to the seriously ill man. Now only can still help the legendary Yakruna plant. The lone shaman Karamakate (Nilbio Torres) it is to administer Theo. The healer first refuses to treat a white man. Ever affects the shaman so not wise, but aggressive and intemperate. Theos companion can Karamakate finally persuaded.

A few decades later, it is the botanist Richard Evans Schultes (Brionne Davis), who of Karamakate (now Antonio Bolivar) hopes that an indication of the Yakruna plant. But the aged shaman can at barely remember anything and feels just like an empty shell. Still, he wants to help the white man, who seemingly quite reasonable. But Karamakates home has changed. The stranger began to exploit nature. Even the natives of the influence from the outside did not pass. Violence and death have entered, and to spread Christianity drives strange flowers.

influences of Werner Herzog are unmistakable when director Ciro Guerra told visually stunning of the far-reaching consequences of colonization. The story jumps between the two layers of time, which makes changes in the Amazon region shortly particularly clear. The (mostly) black and white images and the sounds of the jungle unfold an intoxicating effect, although consideration hallucinogenic substances play a role.

The difficulty of travel, the increasing hardships of life on the spot and the untamed forces of nature are for the viewers to spiritual experience. Many an encounter in the forest is extremely disturbing and still works long after. Who does the cinema to a whole new experience, is rewarded in “The shaman and the serpent”.

“The shaman and the serpent” of Ciro Guerra runs in Freiburg. (From 12)

Author: André Wesche

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