Thursday, April 14, 2016

Libelous poem affair: Böhmermann will not make any declaration of – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Under increased pressure: Jan Böhmermann

In the affair to be libelous poem against the Turkish President Erdogan of satirist Jan Böhmermann is coming under pressure. But Böhmermann will not make any declaration of – despite the criminal charges of insult that Erdogan has filed with the prosecutor Mainz. The report, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and the “mirror”.

Thus Böhmer’s lawyer Christian Schertz had informed the lawyers Erdogan, it was “obviously been overlooked that the poem was not widespread solitary, but in an overall view about what is allowed in Germany and what is not “

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in addition to the personal lawsuit Böhmer’s by Erdogan has previously made a criminal petition for insulting a foreign head of state in the German government to Turkey, through which these now advises. The German government announced on Wednesday that it would take a decision on this point in any case.

“The federal government is not expressed to a decision on the response to the Turkish verbal note,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert. “This decision is made.” When he did not say. From government sources said there could still be this week.

A request made by SPD parliamentary leader Thomas Oppermann, quickly eliminate the paragraph 103 of the Penal Code for insulting a foreign head of state, the federal government does not currently pursuing. There were to no “plans” of Federal Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), said a ministry spokeswoman.

If you change the course of investigations or criminal proceedings law, thus applicable at the time of a judicial or procuratorial decision, the more lenient law , these are but the event Böhmermann “hypothetical” questions, the spokeswoman said.

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case Böhmermann is always valid press freedom

Since the television satirist Jan Böhmermann has published in his ZDF broadcast a libelous poem on the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, all is Germany head. The federal government is currently reviewing a request from the Turkish government, criminally moderator for insulting a foreign head of state to account. What do the citizens in Germany of this matter More

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