Monday, November 23, 2015

TV Column “Günther Jauch”: Jauch guests: IS-fight is only with Putin and … – ABC Online

Monday, 11.23.2015, 11:29
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In Günther Jauch concerned the current threat posed by Islamists. Largely in agreement, the discussants were in Eischätzung danger. Only Jürgen Todenhöfer holds the threat of returnees exaggerated

If you want to know how insecure is the German population after the terrorist attack of Paris, takes messages from the to read past days: alleged terrorists in a Munich hotel, a large scale police operation in Rostock, road closures in Berlin due to abandoned suitcase and of course the canceled international soccer match in Hanover. Virtually everything and everyone is now suspect.

But how real the danger of an attack in this country is actually? How justified are the fears of the people? How well the security authorities are prepared? And what responsibility have politicians these days

Stefan Aust said: “The IS is more dangerous than the RAF”

In Günter Jauch pleasing full-bodied round, the panelists were largely in agreement: The Danger is real, but there was no reason to panic. The former Mirror editor in chief and publisher Stefan Aust-world today declared that the security situation in Germany was destabilized. Because one must not fool yourself. Terrorism of the Islamists he called more dangerous than the crimes of the RAF a few decades ago.

CSU politician Herrmann speaks of a “frontal assault”

Also, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) declared that the threat is serious. He saw the West exposed to a “frontal assault”. But, says Herrmann, no politician is currently on the road in order to spread panic. In addition to the question of safety, said the CSU politician, be it as important to be prevented by more prevention that people came ever into the hands of the Islamists.

The TV journalist Sonia Mikich that a few years had reported from Paris, said we would have to learn to deal with the risk – as people in Madrid or London would have already done. They urged politicians and journalists to a moderate use of language and terminology. Words such as “final battle” or “war” considered them inappropriate

Video:. Incomprehensible happiness – These women survived the Paris-stops only because the assassin bullets ran out

Jürgen Todenhöfer warns against overestimating the danger

Other tones struck the journalist and former CDU MP Jürgen Todenhöfer, the ten days the controlling end of 2014 from the IS had traveled area. He warned against overestimating the risk. Who now stoking fear of the Islamists would go into the trap. Todenhöfer said the risk was for the United States, Britain and France because of their much larger story. France, so Todenhöfer, had a “horrible” story, for example, because of his actions in the Algerian war. The United States had led a “criminal” war with more than one million deaths in Iraq. The IS, so Todenhöfer, was the response to the arrival of the Americans in Iraq. “Therefore,” said the ex-politician, “we must also ask ourselves whether our policy was not wrong.”

Todenhöfer declared in Germany was never a German died by Islamist terror – by right-wing extremists were however already killed more than 100 people.

In order to tackle IS, as his counsel, one must stop the arms shipments from Saudi Arabia. In addition, finally had the border between Turkey and the IS-area must be closed. “Every day, 200 fighters over this limit, Todenhöfer.

IS-returnees are deserters, says Todenhöfer

A very own opinion had Todenhöfer also among the fighters who made IS- camps in Syria and Iraq returned to Germany. These were not the really dangerous, Todenhöfer who had spoken with many IS-fighters said. “They are regarded as deserters, which must be punished by death”. Todenhöfer continued: “Those who perpetrated the attacks in Paris are not crossed the border.”

At one point, the panelists agreed: A solution to the conflict in Syria and combating IS is possible only together with Russia’s President Putin and with the Syrian rulers Assad. “This is a gray area that had little to do with morality, explained Sonia Mikich. “But realpolitik is sometimes disgusting.”

Video: Cats, Cats, Cats – So once supported the network of Belgium police in anti-terrorism applications

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