Tuesday, July 21, 2015

On the death of the musician Dieter Moebius: Let a thousand sound loops circling – Tagesspiegel

18:29 clock By Gregor Dotzauer <- self.position: 1 -> <- classid: hcf centre -> <- position: center -> <- text position: hcf text-left -> <- inisprint: false -> <- inhaspic: true ->

Ingenious dilettantism: The music by electro pioneer Dieter Moebius had many names style, it even called them Elektropunk. He died with 71 years.

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Small selection of style names which are used in connection with the music of Dieter Moebius. Psychedelic. Krautrock. Experimental. Ambient. Industrial. Noise. Is there for what this man brought forth no clear idea? Dieter Moebius, born in 1944 in Switzerland and then died at the age of 71 years, spoke of himself as a last Elektropunk. In the two short years from 1969 to 1971, where he formed the band Kluster together with Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Conrad Schnitzler, neither electric nor Punk talk could however be.

The avant-garde of Moebius and his colleagues, which had the terms seek only over time, consisted not least in the fact that he obviously did not have the slightest awareness of what he with the help of sound engineer Conny Plank on two LPs with the titles “knocking” and “Two Easter Egg “in sinister – and by the recitation sinister religious texts – profoundly Teutonic soundscapes transformed. The three still without synthesizers gave themselves with guitar, flute, drum and a screaming free organ endless improvisations out who were beaten at the mixer to nightmarish noise orgies

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Nine studio albums without uniform style

The craft of music dominated none of them. Moebius had studied art in Brussels and West Berlin. In 1969 he co-founded the short-lived Zodiak clubs who opened the gates on the premises of the theater at Hallesches Ufer after conception end. There then occurred congenial groups like Ash Ra Tempel and Tangerine Dream, to which Conrad Schnitzler finally changed. As Moebius and Roedelius had already fled to West Germany and called themselves as a duo henceforth cluster

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On the panels, they initially produced again in conjunction with Conny Plank, they stretched from then on to much sweeter tone clusters – without that one could accuse the nine studio and four live albums, they produced up to 2009 a uniform style , Synthesizer dampened too Rugged, “Sugar Time”, recorded in his own studio in the Weserbergland, developed 1974 on the Pluckern a rhythm machine clear, reminiscent of Kraftwerk motor structures before “Anyway,” two years later went to an even more airy melodic realms.

The inspirer of the first popelektrischen hour

Together with the guitarist Michael Rother made recordings with the ensemble name Harmonia, and soon was also Brian Eno, the British mastermind of the background music, attention to Cluster. Had they been up to that prophet in his own country, who said of their plates, as Dieter Moebius, sold 2000 pieces on average, they arrived with “Cluster & amp; Eno “and” After the Heat “suddenly six-figure print runs.

Much of this music still has its charm and need not deny that it comes from a certain time with their fungus-infected and hallucinogenic practices. But some acts even without that it would ever roam New Age sky, fearing Moebius rightly, very sticky – the first analog circuitry as the vintage sound Digital madness again today offers Paroli. Dieter Moebius, the next alliances with Guru Guru drummer Mani Neumaier and Reunions with Rother and Roedelius also appeared solo, was to his satisfaction as a stimulator of the first popelektronischen hour. To his chagrin, he prepared only and which the railway, which did not want to acknowledge the difference between amateurism and genius dilettantism, as he had perfected him for a lifetime,

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