Thursday, May 28, 2015

“The 120 Days of Sodom”: Lots of sex and blood: orgies at premiere of … – ABC Online

Thursday, 28.05.2015, 18:15
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Calculated Horror in Berlin: The Austrian director Johann Kresnik Berserkers brings the sex and torture story “The 120 Days of Sodom” on stage – dancing. The fake blood flows freely

The Volksbühne Berlin had warned:. “The idea is for viewers under 18 years not suitable”, left the theater before the premiere of Johann Kresnik dance theater piece “The 120 Days of Sodom” spread.

On Wednesday evening premiere was the sex and blood orgy free to the fantasies of the infamous Marquis de Sade and Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film “Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom”. What the appearance of Pasolini’s movie 40 years ago but still caused a huge scandal and pulled Performance prohibitions to be dissipated today despite sometimes unbearable final scenes as trite criticism of capitalism.

Communist Kresnik: Credo of criticism of capitalism

The excessive operated in capitalism consumption is the new fascism, a new system of terror – so is the credo of professing communist Kresnik. A politician, a military, a bishop, a judge and a banker talk to satisfy their perverse desires a large number slaves. Naked tortured bodies and fake blood in streams, plastic penises in action and both female and male victims, who have to eat the feces of their tormentors – the 75-year-old Austrian Kresnik and his lyricist Christoph Klimke omit anything

And. end up throwing the torturers to their victims before to swallow any food that is put before them – ie unaudited believing all the lies, the set before the lulled by the Facebook generation policy. “Today the policy is one big supermarket,” it says.

“NSA”, “BND”, “Coca Cola”, “Nestlé”, ” TTIP “

Consequently, the Austrian artist Gottfried Helnwein, who provoked his images of abused children and even shock-rocker Marilyn Manson portrayed, designed a very impressive supermarket-stage design for Kresnik: stacked up to the ceiling in huge shelves strange, brightly colored products with slogans such as “NSA”, “BND”, “Coca Cola”, “Nestlé” and “TTIP”.

With 30 dancers and actors Kresnik has his piece in scene set, including Ilse Ritter, Yoshiko Waki, Inka Löwendorf, Roland Renner, Helmut Zhuber and Hannes Fischer. The dance scenes choreographed Kresnik together with the dancer Ismael Ivo, who himself is on stage.

Scary is a ballet of bandaged, bloody girl. Flayed male and female bodies writhe in a knot of people in a glass box. Most will be more tortured and declaimed as danced. The self-proclaimed rulers stop at nothing. Some viewers leave early the hall, the majority of the audience but remains until the end – and applauded Kresnik and his team

Sex, horror and violence in the theater.

“not suitable for children under 18 years,” warned the Berlin Volksbühne before the premiere of the dance theater piece “The 120 Days of Sodom”. Sex, horror and violence on stage have sometimes led to violent protests

TANNHÄUSER:. Holocaust and shooting scenes put some viewers the Düsseldorf premiere in May 2013 so that they medical had to seek help. It caused a riot. Only four days later, the director sat the dramatic Wagnerian staging by director Burkhard C. Kosminski from

THE FLYING DUTCHMAN:. For a scandal in Leipzig made in October 2008 a movie with a deadly attack dog attack. At the premiere it rained catcalls and boos, many left the hall. Much nudity and scenes from a slaughterhouse ensured also for conversation. The Leipzig Wagner Association called for the dismissal of the staging that defused again came to the premiere

Golgotha ​​Picnic:. The religious and consumerist work of Argentine director Rodrigo García caused protests throughout Europe. In dramatic pictures, it shows a bizarre Supper: wonder demons dead and naked on the wings sitting musicians. Radical Christian groups in Poland were up in arms. Even before a performance at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg in 2012 protesting conservative groups against “blasphemy”

MACBETH: Fierce controversy was Jürgen Gosch’s bloodthirsty Düsseldorf Shakespeare production by 2005 – mainly due. its provocative scenes of violence. Some critics spoke of “Disgusted Heater”, others praised as one of the best performances of the season.

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