Thursday, May 28, 2015

Food Truck comedy “Kiss the Cook”: For a Porno, for others just … – NEWS


 Thursday, May 28, 2015


  From Nina Jerzy


 The good old food carts also witnessed in Germany a hipster revival as Food Truck. With “Kiss the Cook” is director Jon Favreau the trend a cinematic monument. However, the tastes more like mid-life crisis as to kimchi quesadillas.



Let’s call the child by name here times: Food Trucks are nothing more than ordinary food carts and were a mess already in the 1970s with the “Drei Damen vom Grill” dramatic. Funnily enough, the culinary fellowship in Jon Favreau’s comedy “Kiss the Cook” is also manned by a trio. Otherwise, today’s gourmet food trucks do not have much in common with the old-fashioned French sausage Half-chicken predecessors. Your operator see themselves as creative chefs and their vehicle as a rolling taste laboratory.

Food Trucks are sometimes a conscious grassroots antidote to Michelin-starred restaurants and the cult of kitchen gods like Thomas Keller, Ferran Adrià, Heston Blumenthal or René Redzepi. In the temples of culinary take guests during hours of tasting menus dozens of perfect mini-creations to be, the less food because life philosophy. Between courses, a so-called Palate Cleanser is often administered, which neutralizes the taste buds and grounds. This was to some extent the function of “Kiss the Cook” for director, screenwriter and actor Jon Favreau.

Sous-vide instead superheroes

The former indie young talent was as a director with “Iron Man” part one and two suddenly rocketed in the first blockbuster Hollywood League. Eventually needed the “Avengers” producer you urgently a break. Rather than go up a mid-life crisis-private, he was dear to the cooking school and turned a relatively small film about a star chef in the creative crisis -. Aside from guest appearances of his “Avengers” -Friends Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson

Carl Casper was once a celebrated rebel at the stove. His creativity is but (Dustin Hoffman) thwarted by his employer, who would rather relies on the sale secure classics. As a restaurant critic (Oliver Platt) Casper therefore gives a scathing note disengages the frustrated chef and gets fired. Encouraged by ex-wife Inez (Sofia Vergara) drives Carl in sunny Miami an old food carts on and judge him with the help of his estranged son Percy (Emjay Anthony) restores. Together with Martin Koch (John Leguizamo), father and son embark on a culinary road trip through the USA. Besides, they become stars on Twitter and Vine, and especially they come through the food again close.

Favreau has teamed up with Roy Choi one of the founders of the food truck movement taken as a consultant on board. The classically trained chef in 2008 went up with the idea of ​​a Korean Tacos in Los Angeles to star. Choi spread the current location of his Kogi BBQ trucks on the then new medium Twitter, which often resulted in a mob of hungry fans.

Here comes the birds

Favreau has greatly from be influenced Choi’s career, but is lagging behind this is not only a trend. It almost seems sometimes as though Favreau shot the film seven years ago and now only brought out of the drawer. The director used so much time to explain the use of Twitter (yes, tweets and SMS are not the same), that could be about to ask under what stone he is crawled, or whether he has made the film for allegedly engineering distant Best Ager .

Also, the culinary offer his snack with grilled Cuban sandwiches comparatively dowdy – a far cry from Choi’s fusion classic kimchi quesadillas or peanut chocolate bars with Sriracha. Even when food Porn factor Favreau jumps a bit short, despite all efforts. Apart from the stop at the legendary Franklin Barbecue in Austin, Texas, there are in any given episode of “Top Chef” or “Masterchef Australia” a lot more visual taste explosions.

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Perhaps Favreau would have done better to occupy the leading role with another actor. Just as he embodies him, Carl Casper comes across as a rather self-righteous, huff. “Kiss the Cook” Despite all Foodie-promises ultimately a midlife crisis-outs comedy (Favreau has also only once had an affair with the 18-year younger Johansson wrote the screenplay), in which the cooking is representative of the rebellion against the Establishment is whopping. His own outbreak lasted in case Favreau only briefly. Immediately after the shooting, he was an executive producer again with Marvel Allerlei “Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.” Blazed

“Kiss the Cook – A taste of life” comes on May 28 in the German cinema.



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