Sunday, November 6, 2016

“The crime scene”-Check Kiel: Julia, the German IS a supporter of, and the murder of a … – FOCUS Online

Friday, 04.11.2016, 13:19 · von FOCUS-Online-author Angelika Tooth
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One student is dead and the alleged offender will be presented to the Kiel commissioners Borowski and Brandt on a silver platter. But was it really? And what has this to do with a German IS-sympathizer? To be “Borowksi and the lost girl” is exciting

What is actually promises? The student, Maria, is dead. The 17-year-old Julia (Mala Emde) claims at least. The murderer she calls: her brother Nils (Sven Schelker), it should have been. At the beginning of the Kiel investigator-Duo Klaus Borowski (Axel Milberg) and Sarah Brandt (Sibel Kekilli) takes the girl not really serious. This changes abruptly, as the next Morning, in fact, Mary’s body in the fjord is to be found.

it Can be actually been Juliet’s brother? There is evidence in favour of it: it is said that Maria had extorted him for drugs stories. But why Julia has betrayed him? As Borowski and Brandt learned that she was distanced from her family to convert to Islam, still others Suspicious.

During the investigation, the commissioners come out of protection again and again, the state Department, the LKA to head Kesting (Jürgen Prochnow) get in the way. There followed, apparently, completely different interests…

what time is dies the victim? those declared dead live longer? In “Borowski and the lost girl,” it takes a whole 16 minutes to Mary’s corpse is washed up, and Julia’s suspicions to be true. In the course of the Case, there is then a second body…

So many splashes of blood there is: is drawn As Maria from the fjord, screws her dead body, some of the encounters with ship behind. Accordingly, evil he is. Your neighbor is allowed to identify only on the basis of a detected skin area with a distinctive Tattoo. Your complete sight would probably be too disturbing. And also the viewer, it remains – mercifully – spared.

As you get goose bumps: Calling When the enthusiastic “Allahu Akbar”-the young women in the mosque listening to. The phrase means nothing more than “God is greatest” and is used in Islam very often. But since the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, in which the offender was declared part of “Allahu Akbar”, it runs a as a viewer the creeps.

white as long As it takes, until you, who is the killer: has been for a long time a suspicion. But the turns out to be just before the end, as completely wrong…

The most emotional scenes: If Julia will always re-entries for a video diary of their mother – a kind of farewell letter, in which you have to look deep into your soul can no longer be: “dear mom, if you see this, I’ll be there,” she says. And explains: “I want a strong God. I want rules. I don’t want to stand there, where the devil is dancing.” A document of your desperate search for Hold on to in life.

is The most outstanding actor: she lost her father due to an accident and her mother (Patrycia Ziolkowska), the blame for it. But is that really the reason why Julia of the Islamist scene turned? The remains in “Borowski and the lost girl”.

many of The outstanding questions make the figure but even more interesting and unpredictable than she already is. And the only 20-year-old Mala Emde, known from the docu-Drama “My daughter Anne Frank”, embodies this role with all the passion and beyond common clichés. A strong performance!

is The most enigmatic role: Who Amina Jaschar (Sithembile Menck)? She wins the trust of Julia, encouraging her to convert, in its decision, to Islam, and accelerated their departure in a from the IS controlled Land. But then it seems as if you are playing a double game…

The degree of hardness of the commissioners: Especially Sarah Brandt, the case stirs up strong: With all the force she tries Julia rouse, “to rescue the lost girl” from the clutches of the IS. And is not desperate that it manages.

complexity of the (Private)life of the commissioners of 1-10: 1 out of 10 non-existent because in this of Kiel. To the commissioners of the investigation to be collected, as there was still room for another.

FOCUS Online verdict: from slipping off As Julia, seemingly without any reason in the extremism that appears to be shockingly out of date: again and again we read of young women with a European Background to join the “Islamic state” – the soul catchers recruited. The latest Borowski case is more of a character study of such a “lost girl”, as a classic Thriller. That makes him no less well, even if the plot is a little confusing.

Behind the Scenes of the “crime scene”

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