Sunday, November 6, 2016

After separation in March : love comeback with Marc and Bright Bator – in FOCUS-the

Sunday, 06.11.2016, 14:25
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at the end of March of this year, the satellite separated.1-Moderator Marc Bator and wife Hellen. The 43-Year-old pulled back from the common house, also left two daughters and moved into her own apartment. Now the two are back together – and languages, in an Interview to be surprisingly honest about their motives.

“We had lost to us completely,” said the 46-Year-old Bright in an Interview with the “Bild am Sonntag”. You need to work on your relationship, whether you have always been aware of. Marc had, however, been convinced that a partnership “should just work”. A mistake, as the former daily news spokesman noted in retrospect: “a pure Dose of selfishness”.

“How stupid are you to say such a thing to your children?”

Bator, said in an Interview that he had been employed before separation with himself. “At some point, I was Convinced that a life alone – and regularly was with the children – better than with my wife,” said the Moderator.

most have been at odds Bator in order to leave his children: “As we have told our children that I was moving out, I have regretted the separation in the Moment. That was the worst message I have delivered to someone. I said to myself: ‘How stupid are you, anyway, to say something like that to your children?’”, told Bator, the “picture on Sunday”.

“most people are not aware that your Partner bit differently than you”

But two weeks after his statement to the family have begun a father to a brood and are looking for Bright, asked, together, professional help to save your marriage. Together with the psychologist, Christian Lüdke, the two try to find each other again. The Council found the two of them also in the author Kai-Uwe Harz, and his counselors, “You and your partnership”: “He has made us clear that we are talking completely past each other.”

“one Of them says something, the other understands it is completely wrong. The classic in many marriages. Most people are not aware that your Partner bit differently than you," said Bator, his insights from the book.

The two remained true to themselves

Today the Pair attempts to remain “quiet,” said Bator. “We have criticised in the past for every day. We’re not doing that". New Partner gave it to never, the 43-Year-old: “Neither Light, nor for me”. The children were happy that their father is recovered, told Bright: “We have shown them, but also that both parents love them. And we have never quarreled in front of you, that was important to us."

In the Video: Sarah and Pietro Lombardi – shooting separation-special

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