Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bob Dylan: “Other obligations”: the rock poet does not collect Nobel prize – FOCUS Online

Thursday, 17.11.2016, 12:38
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Now Bob Dylan stands in a row with Boris Pasternak and Harold Pinter. During the Russian writer (doctor Zhivago) in 1958, but was missing on the pressure of the Soviet regime in the awarding of the Nobel prize for literature and the British playwright (“The caretaker”) in 2005 was too sick for the honor, it seems that the cancellation of the rock poet “to be a typical Dylan”.

A man who escapes for decades, largely to the Public and no Interviews, even the highest ranks of the art pass – you could call his behavior is also modest. He had, in December, unfortunately, the “other obligations,” said the 75-Year-old by letter. This decision of the first song writer ever receives the highest literary award, were donors of the week-long silence of the Honored and the increasing detuning in the case of the Nobel prize in Stockholm.

On Wednesday had to tell the Swedish Academy about Dylan’s rejection: “he wished He could accept the award in person, but other commitments make that impossible. He stressed that he feels by the Nobel prize very honored.” You respect the decision. “The fact that a Nobel prize winner can not travel to Stockholm to receive the award, is unusual, but not exceptional,” wrote the Jury.

a concert tour by the end of November

skeptics, had not classified the literary value of Dylan’s Rock Lyrics than it already is necessarily worthy of a Nobel prize, are likely to feel now, however, confirmed that a Boycott, or at least a head smell.

Dylan artist website has, so far, only concerts of his famous “Never Ending Tour” to 23. November. Music experts had concluded that the singer the 10. December could have beaten out for the award.

The most important Songwriter in rock history had received this year’s award in October for his “poetic creations in the American song tradition” is awarded, such as “Blowin’ In The Wind”, “Masters Of war” or “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna fall”. Previous honors the man who says on the stage, no sound had too much, with unmoved countenance endure – about him by President Barack Obama in person by the neck hanged man US freedom medal.

Dylan speech

Within the Nobel prize Jury, the rock singer had since the 13th century. October doesn’t excite plenty of resentment, because he went after the granting of self in Stockholm and obviously, in the case of Calls not to answer the phone went. In the case of concerts Dylan had in spite of some of the Fan-chants for the singing of the Nobel prize for recognize poets-not euphoric or satisfied response. At the end of October, he said of the Academy, then, to want the distinction of “of course” to accept and “to come” to the ceremony. Almost was surprised.

with the equivalent of some 800,000 Euro prize stay for Dylan in spite of his absence at the awards ceremony in three weeks – in Alfred Nobel’s day of death – are awarded, the Academy now. Under one condition: “We are looking forward to Bob Dylan’s Nobel lecture, he is the only requirement – within six months from the 10. December 2016 will keep.”

Traditionally, the Nobel prize winner believe that such a noble speech in the week before the ceremony. As Dylan Nobel prize medal and documents to get, is still unclear. Perhaps, the great Schweiger continues even in the short term, a concert in Stockholm.

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