Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sandra Maischberger to the US election: The Gorilla of the white man – MIRROR ONLINE

According to the “Trump-shock” want to know Sandra maischberger: “How will it change the world?” On the issue Trump has been given previously in the ARD focal point of foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the only legitimate answer: “We do not know at the present time.”

as for the shock, shows the talk round with Maischberger on the basis of the discussion culture of the guests: everything is more exciting in the world, many voices talking at once, admonish, castigate, and had always been right.

Alice Schwarzer, for example, finds it “depressing” that not only no woman was elected, but “a man is still a man, such as we actually thought that we had overcome,” in a sense, “the man, wow”, and then she rocks in her seat to lead the unüberwundenen man in his Gorilla in the eyes.

Black-and-white, what they already knew 40 years ago: “The white man is the Problem.”

This analysis provokes opposition from, of course, equal to two white men. The American writer Eric T. Hansen explained dry that 45 percent of the women had chosen the Gorilla. And Julian Reichelt of would like to know whether Schwarzer’s knowledge, mean that the “white man” could not select. And anyway: “If you lose as a Democrat in New Hampshire against a man with yellow hair, then you must search the Problem in yourself. And not for the white man.” (An analysis on the topic of “The civil war of the white man” read it here.)

Oskar Lafontaine is right, and the just fresh from the elections in the USA to confirm. It is Yes Trump, but a corrupt economic system has been deselected, its candidate in the election campaign support: “There are huge sums of money being spent Yes” in this, and here he quotes Jimmy Carter, “corrupt oligarchy”.

Again, it is Hansen who speaks: “you interpret that in their favor, but that’s not true.” None of the candidates have provided the System is ever in question, and no voters in the USA, the capitalism in question . By the way, Hansen, follow Lafontaine and his understanding for Putin and his rejection of the free trade a similar line as the next President: “It is their policy, the Trump power in America.”

The former “days topics”Moderator Thomas Roth at jumps out of the beleaguered Left, it would actually “pumped reactionary capital”, for example, of the infamous Koch brothers “in the System”. Nevertheless, the Left will have failed, “in fact, in America,” during the period of deregulation under Bill Clinton.

According to the white man and the white woman, as well as the Left and the Right Julian presents Reichelt, a further culprit to the success of Trump: Obama. A man so, the “don’t know, the White and the Black not black enough”. Actually, reminds Reichelt, Obama moved once with two Central demands to the White house. First, he wanted to change the “Washington” and second, the US clubs. On both tasks he had failed “spectacularly”.

Eventually remembers Maischberger, your shipment is not “The Trump-Schock – Who is to blame?”.

such As Trump, as the shock will change the world? Nadja Atwal, a PR expert and a Trump supporter, is with of your view alone, that will change the world for the Better. In addition to their auftrump end euphoria has officials the woman to contribute a little, it is felt to be invited as a place-holder for the similarly enthusiastic AfD.

“The AfD-voters are the same as the Trump voters,” analyzed already Hansen. The would also be presented as a “Crazy and bad people”. “The man on the left and the right, want to go back to the Nation.” Roth cited gloomy François Mitterrand: “Le nationalisme, c’est la guerre.” Nevertheless, this point Lafontaine takes, whether Europe is always a promise of prosperity, the more could today believe a lot of people.

who could turn to because the people want to Lafontaine know, were disappointed by the political System? Who have previously voted Communist, the choose but, today, right, says Lafontaine, and refers to the really very instructive book “returning to Reims” by Didier Eribon. Maischberger supported and kalauert: “what do you call it then? A combination of national … socialist?”

Whether aggressive nationalists understand when they are among themselves? The future relationship between the United States and Russia, sees Roth is skeptical that Putin had a lot sent. He had made with his geheuchelten sympathy to the candidates a case of, “in the Trump maybe because of his masculinity image is bad.”

Hansen sees this a little differently, the US would have no Problem with Russia. “The Problem that Russia is this huge neighbor it has in front of his door, the most important economic power in the world: the EU.” And should dress warmly: “It is up to the European leaders to convince Trump to start investing again in Europe.”

Lafontaine wants to know this point, like all points, “structural” answers, and stresses the systemic character of the transatlantic linkages, which could not resolve an isolationist Trump. “But,” asks Roth and sinking back into his gloom: “you can Fumble it all.” He, too, would venture the Thesis that “Trump for Merkel, the absolute Anti-type”.

In terms of Syria, in turn, is Lafontaine the Pessimist. There’s two oligarchies would simply be, “there is not more talk, since it is only a lie”. An assessment of the Reichelt and Roth in unison as a populist scourge. “They say,” says Roth, “it is only a lie, and that’s quite a trump”.

There it was again, the German Donald Trump. Just imagine how far this Lafontaine could bring, would he one day be in the policy.


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