Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Death of Superman – Telepolis

“So it begins: The fever, the anger, the sense of powerlessness through which good people are cruel. ” Not by the AFD and Pegidisten is mentioned, but of Gotham City here. You are here all about the law, the villains, superheroes, only the politicians, of all things, and they must pay for it. Batman nevertheless cooperates with them, Superman pretends he embodied the incorruptible Investigativpresse. Superman, the “boy” is here to man, but remains Muttersöhnchen because before saving the world comes the rescue of the mummy – you have to stop to set priorities. “? Tell me: Do you bleed”, it asks Batman and adds

“You will.” <- end-head ->

If you will not kill God, the Devil wants to do it!

Lex Luthor in “Batman vs. Superman

in the beginning Superman does not know: “Who is this?” he asks, meets Bruce Wayne and babbles at him stupid: “Mr. Wayne, Clark Kent, ‘Daily Planet’, what do you think of the bat vigilantes in Gotham? “Oh man,” Bruce Wayne “, which of course is the true name of Batman, like Superman’s in true comic life Clark Kent and works as a journalist .

for the first time they meet at a party society. a bit endeavors this encounter between the two comic super mega hero from the start, even if the plot of this film is actually from a famous comic -Klassiker comes

alternatives in times of alternatives

Epic and fairytale it was previously gone off. with a glance back into Bruce Wayne’s childhood and the memory of how once Batman became of him. 1981 “Excalibur” in the cinemas since Bruce’s parents are murdered before his eyes. Worn music, epic mood, a fall in a hole that is not good for rabbits, but also to whose end Bruce expects a fairyland. For hundreds of bats save him, bring him back from darkness into light.

Later we will hear evil come from above, the good from the bottom. Whether that says now about Lex Luthor, or whether it is an allusion to 9/11, of which there are several in this film, which is in the eye of the beholder. Thereafter, in any case it crashes first the sky, and in the city of “Metropolis” raging giant insect-like spaceships, rasps skyscrapers away.

We recall that this is the end of “Superman: Man of Steel”, the final battle with General Zod. As you can now see him from the side, with the eyes of Bruce Wayne, who turns out to be one of us already at this moment. “A superhero film completely out of Kollateralperspektive what would be a incredibly exciting piece of cinema that,” Fritz Göttler writes in the SZ and is right with a thought that is too high for all Zach Snyder. Since we have to wait for Godard.

But we understood: A time of crisis, a time of threat – so it is always in superhero movies, and no original thought, to wonder whether the boom in superhero has something to do with the current, not too rosy situation of democracies. Superheroes embody alternatives in times of alternatives.

Soon they fight each other on the toughest. Of course, without a very clear winner even if Batman clearly seen as a point winner here, both from the direct fistfight and throughout the film. Batman is a man with faults, no aliens and Superman, and Batman’s skepticism, his irony, sometimes the melancholy pessimism of Bruce Wayne are us closer than the American too blind optimism of Clark Kent aka Superman.

In addition, Ben Affleck, the Batman actor, worlds better and more charismatic than his opposite Henry Cavill. Affleck’s appearance surprised in his maturity and is really big: This is a Batman who has future, not too sympathetic, but close to the Dark Knight the late graphic novels.

But why actually Batman “to” Superman? Are not both heroes? not embodying both the good? “Batman against Superman” – what is it anyway for a film?

black and blue, God against man, day against night

“Black and Blue, God against man, day against night.” So you can bring it to the point. Batman against Superman – ie night world against todays world, film noir against American sense of mission, Amoral against moralizing, melancholy against naive optimism. The cited sentence now says, however, the villain in the game: Lex Luthor, Superman’s nemesis, which here is also the enemy of Batman, a Weltenbrandentfacher, conciliatory and sardonic played by Jesse Eisenberg.

His Luthor is a junior with massive father complex – connects all Archvillains of American cinema with his hero – he has left unchanged Daddys space but considering now but at the beginning of his madness War against the world an image, a descent into hell from the Baroque period, wrong to hang over Papas desk around. Because:

We know better now, do not we? Devils do not come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky.

In the fight against him, the two superheroes unite.

But first they have to clarify fundamental issues. In the company of the United States confusingly similar sighted city-states Metropolis and Gotham City Namely debated publicly in the media and in politics, what superheroes are any good, and how you actually can control democratically this repeatedly runaway of bounds journeymen?

So there is a pretty dialogue between the main characters: “. Civil liberties are being trampled on in your city, people living in fear He thinks he’s above the law,” says Clark Kent and receives the answer: “the Daily Planet criticizing Those Who think they’re above the law is a little hypocritical, would not you say Considering everytime your hero saves a cat out of a tree, you write a puff piece about editorial? an alien That Could burn the whole place down. ” – “Most of the world does not share your opinion, Mr. Wayne.” – “Maybe it’s that Gotham City and me … We just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns.”

disorders Kinosesselgemütlichkeit

Here is doing the film, at least as it was a serious philosophical essay. He asks the questions on the value of power and heroism. He primed his characters with psychology. When Zach Snyder acts only unfortunately always very hard. One should the director of “300″ of “Sucker Punch”, of “Superman: Man of Steel” not underestimate determined. The well-known for his martial Schlachtplatten Snyder, who himself likes to go into Gymn and interviews vorzeigt his tattooed arms, loves muscle-bound men and women who do not open their mouths often.

We must Snyder also not be overestimated. For a proper handwriting has except noise, bombast and overload with 50 years still not this director. Poetry is in his films rather a product of chance, and even the best among them – “Sucker Punch” – is an absolutely humor-free zone.

No, even though politicians grumble here about what “should do” superheroes, this is still no moralizing, and certainly not a critical system, not left, not even a liberal-left or anarchist Movie. And no philosophical. has

After all recalls, above all, played by Holly Hunter US Senator, in a committee of inquiry, the work of the super hero investigated on natural rules, because the democracy to do with consensus not with authoritarian governance through. She seems strangely anachronistic. An elderly lady who still believes in legitimation by procedure, “Power corrupts and absolute fear corrupts absolutely.”

There are those little scenes that suddenly pull the viewer for a brief moment the ground under their feet, single dialog sets that disrupt the coziness in the cinema for a few seconds, and we realized make: We live even somewhere already in Gotham City, in circumstances in which the public is fixated on Stars, which you can then go through everything, where the shrill, Extreme asserts itself against the weighed, in times, after hero , rescuers and other messianic figures crave.


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