The lender would the new film by Barry Levinson, “Rock the Kasbah “, like the Afghan version of his masterpiece” Good Morning, Vietnam “ sell. That, as far as was pre-empted, is unfortunately only PR. Because of the good timing of the great comedy of 1987 and the good presentation of the situation in Vietnam at the time, the new film is far away.
The Story
Here is the trailer for the latest Bill Murray stripes
the droves music manager Richie Lanz (Bill Murray) dreams consistently but unsuccessfully, from the discovery of a star. Although he has already asked many tours former music greats on his feet in his own words, for good reason, he goes in these stories but not in detail. A Saufpartner brings him to the idea, it but to try again in Afghanistan. What at first sounds absurd, is put into action after he was told what he could earn it.
So is Ronnie (Zooey Deschanel) – youngster while his secretary – shipped from the plane and sent into the land of the Hindu Kush. But there everything goes exactly as planned. In short papers away, Ronnie away money away, since problems. And he has Bombay Brian (Bruce Willis), a seemingly unscrupulous mercenary and two dubious types – played by Scott Caan and Danny McBride -. The neck
Looking for a way back to the US discovered Lanz an Afghan woman (Leem Lubany) with a beautiful voice. He knows that it has the potential to stardom. And it is his big chance – the only one that he will probably have. Of course, but nothing works as it imagines Lanz.
The potential for a funny story would be present, but it is nothing. “Rock the Kasbah” wants too much and bogged down in storylines, which are in turn only briefly sketched. Supporting roles are thrown into the plot without these later play an important role. No figure is really developed, most remain only cases that are not filled with life and history. It steals a feeling that there is just a question was to be able to advertise with the admittedly remarkable cast on the posters.
Why so little depth?
Kate Hudson ( “Almost Famous “ ) to do business-minded, but kindhearted Edelnutte Merci little, other than looking sexy. Deschanel has already disappeared from the plot before it had a chance really to develop their role and the two Comedy Actor Caan and McBride are, you just have to write so unnecessary. That Willis ( “The Fifth Element”
) wanders like a decal of his previous roles in the story, it’s not any better. This is especially so unfortunate because these actors can do so much more than just roles to play without depth.
Focusing on the history Lanz and the discovery and promotion of young Salima had the film better structured. The embedded within a difficult context – Afghanistan at war and the cultural and religious differences, arise from it – would have provided enough filler for a nice strip. Especially if one has traveled the local area before, we know that there would have been to shed light on other interesting aspects. The image of Afghanistan in this film thus more like a cartoon.
In addition, one always the impression Murray ( “Lost In Translation” ) is somehow challenged. The master of cynical facial expressions, in the then but is always a good heart could hergibt much more than his role. The film is quite amusing, but always have the impression back, what is possible has not been reached, before conflict has shrunk. The clever dialogues are manageable and just make the charm of Levinson films and works with Murray from.
One of the most successful scenes is when the hero talks to his minor daughter. Here the sensible daughter has entertained father with the child’s head and his way still declares that the Kasbah is usually found in the Maghreb countries, not in Afghanistan. Just as Murray aka Richie Lanz beside it in this scene, then director Levinson has verhoben with this comedy.
“Rock the Kasbah” is one of the weaker films of Barry Levinson. And his protagonist acts challenged chronically. That’s why to regret because you can feel and in the past also know that would have been possible. But perhaps it is not right to measure Levinson and Murray at their masterpieces. Because if you have it outside in front, then is “Rock the Kasbah” simply an entertaining comedy that not too challenges the viewer.
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