At the age of 54 years, Guido Westerwelle left us much too early last Friday. I knew how hard was his leukemia-disease. But after his book release and the associated public appearance I had the impression that he was on the mend and the worst have overcome. When I got the news of his death, I was shocked, concerned, sad. What a fate! Even as Chairman of the Young Liberals of his political talent was evident. He was my Secretary, when I was Chairman of the FDP, one of my successor as FDP chairman and Foreign Minister. A “political animal”!
We were in all the years of close and sometimes very close cooperation not always agree. But there was a bond between us mutual respect and the common will to achieve the very best for the FDP. The party has a lot to thank him. Guido Westerwelle, intelligent and fast, has always been committed high, enormously hardworking and engage in face lovable friendly and courteous. In my little Swabian rauhbautzigen Art and the Rhenish smoother beings Guido Westerwelle we were atmospherically sometimes at different wavelengths, but in the important property orientations we have always agreed.
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Guido Westerwelle, a fighter, some criticism, won the parliamentary elections of 2009 for the FDP a big election victory. The four years of coalition with the CDU / CSU went not happy. The FDP was unable to implement especially their election promises of tax cuts. Guido Westerwelle gave his party chairmanship and focused on the Foreign Minister. The last general election in 2013 had then for him and the party with tragic consequences; the FDP failed because of the five-percent hurdle and could not get into the Bundestag. For him and all of us followed the previous high a depressing low.
FDP Federal Party in 1995 in Mainz: It’s about choosing a new party leader and Klaus Kinkel successor.
It is a good reminder of the gifted speaker and campaigner, the longtime successful FDP chairman, said his party meant everything, the ardent Europeans to – contrary to some initial prophecies of doom – is committed to Germany’s interests incipient Foreign Minister in difficult times. I regret that Westerwelle’s performance has been named foreign minister is not enough. It was true that he has taken over this office. Hans-Dietrich Genscher and I had advised him. The constant nagging, he should be finance minister was, and remains wrong. Only once the war had by far the smaller coalition partner with Rolf Dahlgrün held the position of finance minister, from 1962 to 1966 – and that was a problem. It just does not work when the much stronger partner must ask the smaller money. Moreover, Westerwelle should have represented at the time the general election seen no longer enforceable promises on tax cuts.
Surprisingly overtook him after leaving the Bundestag the terrible disease with which he is brave, admirable and combative handled. She has him transformed: From the research, sharply formulating a thoughtful, drawn from the disease Guido Westerwelle was. The leukemia at its worst has him now but defeated.
He left not only in politics in recent years but also in his circle tracks. A great loss his death is also for his foundation, in which he has introduced so much dedication. It meant a new beginning for him. But above all, remains the memory of the endearing man who had found his personal happiness with Michael Mronz. Guido Westerwelle will be missed.
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