Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New edition of the quota Killers: Without audience, with dinner: TV industry awards … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 01.13.2016, 23:59
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The German Television Prize is now the “German Price”. Does at least presenter Barbara Schöneberger. Because the traditional award has become the quota killer for industry meetings. This time the awards were presented at a dinner.

Barbara Schöneberger is confused. “I look ‘all the time in the camera, it is there none at all.” She moderates in Dusseldorf the German Television Prize, but the award this year is New Year’s reception, reunion, industry gathering – not only television gala. The cameras are switched on this Wednesday evening just for the journalists who follow the goings in the hall and in the press room for a half-hour compilation of the ceremony, which will be shown on TV later. After all: “We can do everything we ever wanted to do on television,” says Schoneberg

First, there should be no more television award.. The criticism of the procurement practice had become too large. 2015 translated the founders the price completely out, but then a new edition was announced. “Yikes, the visit but actually no longer,” said presenter Nazan Eckes recalls the moment when the invitation for the ceremony in Dusseldorf was in her mailbox.

Dinner and Awards Ceremony

“It’s great that that gives back,” says Host Markus Lanz. Will be awarded the prize in the internal framework, narrower in any way the value of the event. Whether the TV award unless more important, also an actor Charly Hübner asked. “Definitely,” he replies. Hübner has also thrown in a bowl: When one is invited to a friend, you but eventually also draw on what you like to let. Quite as flashy as the dress of Sophia Thomalla his suit is not. She comes in the ground long, partly transparent, partly occupied with diamante dress – as if coming to a Gala

Then she disappears with the other guests in the hall, where there is dinner held audience.. Annette Frier takes it as usual with humor: “. We also have before, really good to eat,” It’s fast, followed by the long list of nominations and award winners. “Table 66″ calls Schöneberg. Stand up please. Then a trophy is brought to the table after another for many categories of entertainment, information and fiction.

doubts about the new format

Jonas Nay is honored as best actor and is visibly moved – A few years ago he finally got even the newcomer award. “This is a full-grown young price for me,” he says. On verdattertsten is probably Günter Wallraff, who already learned two days before the granting of the decision. “An honorary award for his life’s work, because you startled at first. I had previously thought, I would not have put me into retirement, “says the 73-year-old investigative journalist from Cologne. He was not accustomed to be honored. But: “Maybe I’ve even earned.”

Meanwhile, a Twitter-Licensees asks: “# DFP16? Why I do not know anything? “Even the Schöneberg which clears a TV award itself, has to last doubts about the new format. “If the TV award, as it takes place this year, now really is the ne plus ultra, the yellow of the egg?” She asks, before it rises as show act on the small stage. “I know what I want, I want the TV award very large and very nice, I want him finally back on television,” she smashes. “What I’m wearing here … slutty shoes’ and nobody is watching! I know what I want … “

The winners are as follows:

Best TV Movie: ” Naked Among Wolves “(ARD)

Best series: “Club of red bands” (Vox)

Best Actress: Ina Weisse (“I want you”, ARD; ” A great awakening “, ZDF)

Best Actor: Jonas Nay (” Germany 83 “, RTL;” Tannbach – fate of a village, “ZDF)

Best Comedy / Cabaret: “The Agency” (ZDF)

Best Entertainment Primetime: “Joko against Klaas – The duel for the world” ( ProSieben)

Best Presentation Entertainment: Barbara Schöneberger (“The 2 – Gottschalk & amp; Jauch against all”, RTL)

Best Entertainment Late Night: “Neo Magazine Royale” (ZDF)

Best Factual Entertainment: “The cave of the lion” (Vox)

Best Information: “At the border – 24 hours on the focal points of the refugee crisis” (N24)

Best Personal Performance Information: Michel Abdollahi (“In Nazi village” , NDR)

Best Infotainment / talk show: “People and Politics” (ARD)

Best Documentary / Reportage: ” Asternweg – A road with no way out “(Vox)

Best sports program: ” Geheimsache doping. In the shadow realm of Athletics “and” How Russia makes his winner “(both German) by Hajo Seppelt

Best Director: Lars Becker (” to die too soon, “ZDF)

Best book: Magnus Vattrodt (“A great start”, ZDF; “The Witness House”, ZDF)

Best Cinematography: Ngo The Chau (“to die too soon,” ZDF)

Best Editing: Ulf Albert (“Age glow – Speed ​​Dating for seniors”, ARD)

Best Music: Stefan Will and Marco dirt Kötter (“Homicide Berlin 1″, Sat.1)

Best Art Direction: Max Well King, Matthias Müsse and Tilman Lasch (“Homicide Berlin 1″, Sat.1)

award for his life’s work: Günter Wallraff

Sponsorship: Hubertus Koch

In the video: “Big Bang Theory” star on the red carpet – In this leg slit You could have at least put on a bra can, Penny!

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