Wednesday, January 13, 2016

German Television Award: Günther Wallraff for Lifetime Achievement – ZEIT ONLINE

The red carpet was there, the usual flurry of flashbulbs and, apart from that everything was different. For lighter when less pomp, significantly less effort and no TV viewers, the presentation of the German Television Award went in the evening on the stage.

The German Television Prize 2016 was awarded in 20 categories. There were also a prize and the award for lifetime achievement. All this in a new format. After fierce criticism of the award practice of Television Prize 2015 was not even awarded, only to return this year with no live broadcast on TV

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investigative journalist Günter Wallraff, Associate Laureates in this year, was ambivalent about the award for his life’s work: “Since one is startled first I had previously thought. I would not have put me into retirement. ”

The ARD-production Naked Among Wolves was honored as best film. The club’s red ribbons of the station Vox received the award for Best Series. “For us tonight is a big dream come true,” said “bands” actor Damian Hardung. The series had tough competition. Apart from Germany 83 (RTL) was Vineyard (TNT series) nominated.

As a “Best Actress” received Ina Weisse for her starring role Marie in the WDR-TV movie I want you (WDR / ARTE) the award. “Best Actor” was Jonas Nay for his role as a young Western spy in the internationally acclaimed and already award-winning RTL series Germany 83 .

Even German TV comedy and entertainment was praiseworthy Jan Böhmer’s Neo Magazine Royale (Best Entertainment Late Night), The Institute (Best Comedy / Cabaret) and Joko and Klaas – The duel for the World (Best Entertainment Primetime) and the presenter of the evening, Barbara Schöneberger (Best Presentation Entertainment), went with prices back home.

A list of all award winners can be found here.

The German Television Award is since 1999 by ARD, RTL, SAT.1 and ZDF awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in television. 2016 a New Year’s meeting of the television industry in the Düsseldorf Rheinterrassen took the award of the best and most successful productions for the first time held in the frame. A jury of eleven members will decide on the award. Founder of the German Television Awards are the chiefs of stations ARD, ZDF and RTL and ProSiebenSat.1.


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