Thursday, January 14, 2016

German Television Award with Barbara Schöneberger: ARD-movie is the best – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Many things should be different, that the organizers had promised the German Television Award in advance. And they kept their word: With much less pomp than in the past few years now, the award ceremony was held in Dusseldorf, on a transfer of the entire procedure in TV has been omitted. Reason for the realignment was the persistent criticism of the event and the bad ratings. Last year the award was attributable entirely, so now the restart was

moderated the evening of Barbara Schöneberger – and had the innovations seem so their difficulties. “I look all the time in the camera, this is because even no, “she said. When she was honored in the category Entertainment, put them by: “That ?? s but are not: I get a price – and no bad one is watching.”

In fact, the cameras were turned on Wednesday night only for the journalists who follow the goings in the hall and in the press room for a half-hour compilation of the ceremony, which will later be broadcast on TV. After all:. “We can do everything we ever wanted to do on television,” Schoneberg

said “It’s great that that gives back,” said Host Markus Lanz. Will be awarded the prize in the internal framework, narrower in any way the value of the event. Whether the TV award unless more important, also an actor Charly Hübner asked. “Definitely,” he said

KZ-drama named best film

to be considered a winner of the evening. The award-winning ZDF, ARD -Literaturverfilmung “Naked Among Wolves” on the Buchenwald concentration camp and the Vox series “The Club of the red bands”. Best Actor was Jonas Nay (“Germany 83″, “Tannbach – fate of a village”)., Best Actress was Ina Weisse honored (“I want you”) honored

investigative journalist Günter Wallraff got this year awarded the Honorary Award for his lifetime achievements. “Since you startled at first,” said the 73-year-old about the moment when he had learned of the ceremony. “I had previously thought, I would not have put me into retirement.” He was not accustomed to be honored. But: “Maybe I’ve even earned.”

founder of the German Television Awards are the chiefs of stations ARD, ZDF and RTL and ProSiebenSat.1.

The Award winners at a glance:

Best TV Movie: “Naked Among Wolves” (ARD )

Best series: “Club of red bands” (Vox)

Best Actress: Ina Weisse (“I want to you “, ARD;” A great start “, ZDF)

Best Actor: Jonas Nay (” Germany 83 “, RTL;” Tannbach – fate of a village “, ZDF)

Best Comedy / Cabaret: “The Agency” (ZDF)

Best Entertainment Primetime: “Joko against Klaas – The duel for the world “(ProSieben)

Best Presentation Entertainment: Barbara Schöneberger (” The 2 – Gottschalk & amp; Jauch against all “, RTL)

Best Entertainment Late Night: “Neo Magazine Royale” (ZDF)

Best Factual Entertainment: “The cave of the lion” (Vox)

Best Information: “At the border – 24 hours on the focal points of the refugee crisis” (N24)

Best Personal Performance Information: Michel Abdollahi (“In Nazi village”, NDR)

Best Infotainment / talk show: “People and Politics” (ARD)

Best Documentary / Reportage : “Asternweg – A road with no way out” (Vox)

Best sports program: “Geheimsache doping. In the shadow realm of Athletics “and” How Russia makes his winner “(both German) by Hajo Seppelt

Best Director: Lars Becker (” to die too soon, “ZDF)

Best book: Magnus Vattrodt (“A great start”, ZDF; “The Witness House”, ZDF)

Best Cinematography: Ngo The Chau (“to die too soon,” ZDF)

Best Editing: Ulf Albert (“Age glow – Speed ​​Dating for seniors”, ARD)

Best Music: Stefan Will and Marco dirt Kötter (“Homicide Berlin 1″, Sat.1)

Best Features: Max Well King, Matthias Müsse and Tilman Lasch (“Homicide Berlin 1″, Sat.1)

award for his life’s work: Günter Wallraff

Sponsorship: Hubertus Koch


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