Thursday, January 14, 2016

Nick Carter: Former Backstreet Boys member arrested – ABC Online

Thursday, 01.14.2016, 11:20
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Former Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter was arrested in Florida. He should have been involved in a fight in front of a restaurant, which escalated well. For the former boy band star, it is not the first arrest.

The singer Nick Carter (35, “I Will Wait” ) was arrested on Wednesday in Florida, as several US media reports. The former member of the Backstreet Boys is, according to the gossip site “TMZ” been involved in a scuffle in front of a restaurant and have been eventually taken into custody due to minor injury.

It is not the first arrest

It is unclear whether the singer is still being held, the prisoners’ directory of the prison he shall however be carried out. Nick Carter’s management was, according to the “People” magazine, previously unavailable for comment available. Little excited about should definitely his wife Lauren be putty (32), with the 35-year-old expects his first child

Nick Carter is Father -. Learn more in our video on Clipfish

In Video: This is from the boyband-stars of the 90s become

Already arrested twice

For the former boyband star, it is not the first arrest. He was arrested when he overdid it a little too far in the intoxication early of 2002. Three years later, in 2005, then followed by an imprisonment for drink driving. After that, Nick Carter tried hard to give his life a new turn, giving him – until now -. Quite well succeeded

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