Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Farce about the financial crisis: “The Big Short”: The devil is in the system – Tagesspiegel

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The US stock market crash in 2008 has ruined hundreds of thousands. The theatrical farce “The Big Short” unravels the intricacies of time in an entertaining way – with stars Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling.

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Margot Robbie from ” Wolf of Wall Street “explained in the domestic hot tub with champagne glass in hand, what” subprime mortgages “are. The celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain explained on the basis of a seafood stew of old fish, as bad loans in melodious real estate funds are stirred. Selena Gomez illustrates the betting agency mechanisms of the stock market at a roulette table in Las Vegas

The celebrities call in Adam McKay’s “The Big Short” directly to the audience, because the film has a clearly defined curriculum. He wants the causes explain the financial crisis of 2008 a broad movie-going public. Takes Hollywood now the political education work in the US? “Unfortunately, many Americans still do not know what really happened during the banking crash. There is a great hunger for information in American society, “says director Adam McKay at the interview in London. The US media have then failed completely and not even try to shed light on the background of the crisis

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McKay uses plain text, such as Michael Moore

McKay is a tall, lanky man, and when he speaks, he speaks plainly. Probably he could not believe a Hollywood such a film, he had previously been mainly rather harmless Will Ferrell comedies like “Step Brothers” or “Anchorman” staged. Most recently, he wrote the screenplay for the comic adaptation “Ant-Man”. But if you look more closely, you can even in these films under the commercial comedy surface discover an anarchist Groove from which also “The Big Short” is now driven.

The film brings the feat, the complex relationships that have led to the bursting of the housing bubble, highly entertaining break down to an understandable level. Here McKay clearly shows that this is not an unfortunate industrial accident of capitalism, but rather the result of systematic fraud. “The Big Short” discussed his theme in moral free space, by asking a handful of curious investment manager at the center, who foresaw the bursting of the bubble -. And thus earned a fortune

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If these are the heroes of the film, who is then actually the villain? “The corrupt system in which banks are too powerful and the government is corrupt at every level. I think in principle not believe that the villain can be bound to a clearly to be named individual. It’s all about systems and that is why we have deliberately refrained from inventing a villain, “says McKay his narrative style that breaks with the conventional identification strategies and in their Rasanz often recalls a catchy hip-hop song.

Brad Pitt’s company has co-produced the film

Even surprising that such a project in Hollywood came through. Stars like Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale and Brad Pitt, whose firm has co-produced the film had been a great help, so McKay. But studios are aware of the market for quality films, which they like to be competing for the Oscar season. But even if “The Big Short” is now considered one of the promising candidates, does not protect against attacks fame. The US newspapers from the Murdoch Group have already bashing on the movie.

McKay but his thing is certain. After completion there have been about a test screening with key industry experts, including hedge fund managers and economics professors. “I thought that would tear us. But they came out of the movie and they all said:.., Yep, just as it was’ There was not a single complaint regarding the facts “When asked what they have most shocked by the crisis, all those present would have had only one answer : incredible that none of those responsible had landed in prison

MCKAY. Banks buy politicians

At this finding should not the debate change something that is hoped to initiate McKay with his film, yet the current presidential campaign, in which the banking crisis, have their pensions, homes and jobs lost in the millions of people who absonderlicherweise irrelevant. McKay explains this by saying that except Bernie Sanders all presidential candidates and congressmen are dependent on the campaign contributions of the banks: “Because going huge sums over the table, and above will not like to talk. Hillary Clinton gets more money from banks than any other candidate. And banks love Hillary! The power of the banks is now greater than ever, and if they collapse again, we have to freely buy again. “

As McKay sounds almost like Michael Moore. The militant documentarist had once held a fiery speech against the Iraq war at the Oscars. Who knows what McKay striking out when should he come up to the microphone at the gala end of February

In 16 cinemas in Berlin: OV at Cinestar Sony Center and Zoo Palast;. OmU in Central, FAF Moviemento and Sputnik


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