Saturday, September 5, 2015

For the 80th birthday of Dieter Hallervorden: comedy is hard work – Tagesspiegel

10:16 clock From Eckart von Hirschhausen <- classid: hcf center -> <- text position: hcf text-left -> <- inisprint: false -> <- inhaspic: true ->

The sovereignty of age: With 80 you have to convince no more critics, says our guest author Eckart von Hirschhausen and thus congratulates Dieter Hallervorden the milestone birthday.

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From a deserted island A dream of many. He has one. Dieter Hallervorden me once very amazed when he revealed why he so liked to retire to his island in Brittany. “I can not stand the noise of the city in the long run. I need the silence. “That may surprise people who think comedians would enter without laughter and applause. Dieter Hallervorden is flourishing when it hinbuddelt in his garden in front of him. And some island exemplary sticks to it, at each of our meetings in Berlin. He is an extremely polite person with a very neat language, and yet a sense, this so multifaceted man, author, theater director and actor will never get to take quite. Nevertheless his 80th birthday this Saturday I dare attempt

The first impression from a distance with the one I knew from television, was in Schöneberg Palace -. Calculated on an FDP party congress. There took me to my father, because I have interested me as a student of political cabaret and Hallervorden occurred there. So I experienced it the same as a dedicated, politically minded comedians and professional stage, and much less than the television comedian. Time warp. A current idea: the German Film Prize. Prices you get mostly when they are no longer needed. As Dieter Hallervorden 2014 79 years, the “Lola” in the category Best Male Actor for “His last race” was, he wove in his acceptance speech, a distinct peak one: “For me, the price is a great satisfaction, because it a hefty slap is for all wannabe critics who slapped me as comedians for decades because they could not see how much talent belongs to easily represent something heavy. “That hit home. . And obviously deep

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To the protagonists to laugh

One of the strange truths about public life as an artist: You can not choose what you will be loved. As a comedian you’ve made it when a single word is enough to make everyday cited a whole world arise and to put a smile on the faces of the memory of all those present. Those who can do that, you can count on one hand. Even if one is working in the sawmill: “Hurz”, “clothing store” or just “Palim Palim”. Dieter Hallervorden has created so much more. Comedy is serious hard work. He never let himself doubeln, always he hung himself on the hood, or pedaled on a rolling bedside downhill. So you make it to the top. Only once he broke the iron law not to laugh at his own jokes, in the legendary sketch about the madness of “Moonlight Tariff” Telekom. For “Light mockery” he played with Frank Lüdecke in voles before an audience that sentence by sentence freaked and no longer einbekam. Until it pulled the protagonists and both had to laugh with him on stage. The number has remained a masterpiece. And one of the few sketches that ran on television where Lacher not pure, but had to be cut out

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What seems beaten today so out of time, was years ahead of his time. “Nonstop nonsense” was next to “Klimbim” Loriot and a bright spot this year, where I was too young to tell. But I could see it. After all. Characteristic of an entire generation. One Nation. But Dieter Hallervorden is not Didi. Nor Dada. He is an actor who has had success with a role he played, and has not been. When I started to make my hobby into a profession, he asked me if I could write a couple of medical gags on his program on aging. Against payment. I was so flattered as overwhelmed and found this in an American comedy book: When you’re old? If you consider when tying shoes? What could I have done, where I’m already down here

On the stage nothing is accidental

When I tried to foist him, was the old hands immediately clear where or how the wind blows, and it remained only a few lines left in the final text, for which I was paid accurately by percentage of stage minutes. Was priceless to be able to watch him rehearsing. For hours were worked out details, precise, almost obsessed with an inner idea of ​​how it would have to be perfect. Hallervorden loves the theater so much that he made himself and us Berliners with the reopening of the Castle Park Theatre a great gift. At his own expense. Respect! On stage, nothing is accidental, although it is supposed to look as if it had just arisen at the moment. Comedy is the most naked of all the arts. The merciless. If the audience does not laugh, is always the comedian blame. Never the audience. If you stand in front of a picture gallery, and does not understand it, the image remains unaffected.

The biggest fear of a comedian is to someday be “out”. Dieter Hallervorden has this fear reversed and lays just acting before a late work, against the most younger look really old. So also no one comes to the idea, “His last race” was to somehow relate to him, another highlight of his work came with “Honey in the head” in theaters and reached seven million viewers to the bulky topic of dementia. At its today’s birthday honors in the ARD with a new feature film, “chutzpah”. And a personal portrait. The good thing: With 80 one must not critics or colleagues convince more. You just do it. Congratulations

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