Tuesday, September 15, 2015

“Undercover” on RTL: Rach served tepid rehash of his restaurant tester – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.15.2015, 12:19
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The TV chef on a new mission: As Hartmut Plaske visited Christian Rach “Undercover” restaurants that have been on the Internet poorly rated. Also present: The Critics. This gives the project wort, otherwise everything remains the same:. Rach helps restaurants out of the crisis

At least in terms of quotas, it was a successful comeback: Christian Rach is with “Rach Undercover” back at RTL and was welcomed by respectable 3.97 million viewers. However, did not see much new – Rach does what he does best, only with a new look

In the documentary he goes in search of the worst restaurants in Germany, those who as much as possible on the Internet. Fat gotten. He wants to find out if those nasty critics are right, or whether they simply want to harm only the restaurants online. As Mr Günther Wallraff or the “Undercover Boss”, the already determined in this time slot, he disguises himself to and testing as Hartmut Plaske.

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The Ur-Restaurant Tester is back

Yesterday was opening in Frankfurt “gladness”, which was referred to the Internet to talk as “House of Horrors”. blogger Nadia Doukali, one of the bad critics, accompanied the tester because Rach wants the reputational informers are open to their criticism conclusion after the first pleasure. So bad the food is now not as Gourmet Nadia claiming But of course Rach will always find a. small fly in the ointment

And then comes what is known of him from ancient times as a veteran of the Restaurant Tester:. In good Rach-Henssler-style of star chef menu and kitchen staff rotates once by the Wolf: He helps the chef from the blemishes crisis and creates culinary delights that even taste Nadia.

Here clearly lacks the spice

Restaurant rescued , spectators happy because what the farmer knows, eating or he consumed like. Unfortunately, the program keeps a bad aftertaste. Slightly more innovative seasoning would have done the whole format. So it feels like in his hangout. As you get also always served the same

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