Saturday, September 5, 2015

Dieter Hallervorden to 80 .: “I’m not Didi!” – RP ONLINE

Dusseldorf. On the road it is often addressed as “Palim, Palim”. Here Dieter Hallervorden has more to offer than nonsense. Today he is 80 years old. A talk about courage, lack of imagination and great skill.

Berlin This man is hard to grasp. As a fictional character “Didi”, he brought the Germans nonstop nonsense (“Palim, Palim”), with the cabaret “The voles’ he maintains satirical decades, he sings, moderated, staged’s acting in his own palace park theater. But the film has rediscovered him as a character actor and considered serious, contacting rollers. His 80th birthday today can for Dieter Hallervorden therefore only the beginning of something new to be.

you for the song “Your gives me courage” for her birthday. What inspired you?

Dieter Hallervorden I felt like me satirically to speak up again after a long break. Since I am a political person by my experiences in East Germany, I wanted to express with this song to questions on which I felt obliged to speak my mind. This is a sweeping blow, because it comes to the German bank to the NSA to Snowden. Certainly I swim here and there against the current, but that makes me well known animal fun.

This is Dieter Hallervorden Foto: dpa, hog hk

you thank so at your audience for its support.

Hallervorden Of course. That has remained faithful to me for decades, what is truly amazing. To be in demand in our fast time after more than 57 years, that’s not common.

Swing in the song a little resignation with?

Top comedian of all time PHOTO: ddp

Hallervorden It is inviting the people: If you are interested, get in touch to speak. Do not be shut up, take position. Whoever looks into the sad eyes of a refugee child and it feels no sympathy, which is inhumane. So the song is gaining credibility, I decided to donate all of my personal income from the sales of the song 100 percent of aid to refugees. Even so I would like to make a little courage.

Where is most needed in our time the courage of individuals?

Hallervorden You have the inner drive, strangers to be defensively, overcome and a welcoming culture develop for the poor people who have managed to escape from a country in which there is war. It’s actually clear: When I see someone who is drowning, I nudge not underwater. There is no courage needed, but commitment that you would have to pay, of course as a humanist.

Are you someone who has taken encouragement in the course of career?

Hallervorden Of course it’s always nice to learn solidarity, or to hear a few kind words. But in the end it is so that I pretty much know what I want to do. I strive to 100 percent, with much hard work, and then maybe 95 percent remain. They must then submit. So far, obviously, it was enough.

you are already someone who wants to have his way.

Hallervorden definitely. I’ve never actually made foreign certain things, certainly not when they went against the grain. I have to stand by what I do. It may sometimes involve nonsense, but then it must meet at least my understanding of humor.

Is there a most courageous moment in your life?

Hallervorden I had to move with my cabaret 1965/66. The move cost 250 000. Mark. I have actually managed to persuade a bank to give me for a loan. The chutzpah here was the fact that I had not a penny, but was himself severally bailing. Only in this way I was able to save “The voles” up to the present time. The credit I naturally thanks to “Didi” repaid.

Courageous was the takeover of the ailing Schlosspark Theater.

Hallervorden Certainly. It was not recorded for years, I had to completely renovate. If you’re driven by avarice or greed, then you should open a new theater. With theater you can not make money. Not if you charge and control. I am very proud, because it is the largest professional project that I have done.

you rag so that the good role offers come so late?

Hallervorden I believe that well-intentioned critics have always conceded to me that I have a great acting bandwidth. What I have shown in “His last race” or “honey in the head”, which I was able to drama school. But I can only play what you let me. Since the imagination of television editors was probably not large enough to realize that I am a good actor and not just a comedian. That I can also character roles, and that one lets me do both today, which is a great satisfaction.

flutter you now significantly more offers on the table?

Hallervorden Of course, coming deals, but you have to be careful as far as possible, that you can not take a step back. For me must when I climb, the goal higher than that which I have just reached. I can all the people say: The health is there, the acting talent, curiosity – so only her with new scripts

It bugs you to be approached by fans as “Didi”.?

Hallervorden No. I do not want to explain that “Didi” is a fictional character that I invented. I enjoyed playing him, but I’m not “Didi”. He is like a half-brother, but I myself am not.

But going to be him either.

Hallervorden I do not want to. However, I believe that it would be wrong to reduce Dieter Hallervorden on a bottle of French fries.

That does not any more.

Hallervorden I think that it has now got around that there are both. As I said, I speak not at all pejorative about it. On the contrary, “Didi” has given me many things. How could I open the lock park theater without me Didi had previously filled the wallet. I respect this “Didi”, but I’m not.

J. . Isringhaus conducted the interview

Source: RP

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