In his new film “Everything Will Be Fine” is Wim Wenders new ground: The quiet drama is shot in 3D – a format that seemed to be reserved for action movies. A conversation about the ruthlessness of the US press, scrap the cinema and the increasing value of time.
By Paul KatzHe stands for the German auteur cinema like no other, but in recent years, Wim Wenders occurred mainly with acclaimed documentaries in appearance. Now he comes back with a movie in the cinema. In “Everything Will Be Fine” he follows the writer Tomas (James Franco) over a period of twelve years, after having experienced trauma. On a winter evening him little Nicholas with the carriage has slipped under the car. Tomas is not to blame for the fatal accident, just as Christopher, who has survived, unlike his brother, or Kate (Charlotte Gainsbourg), the mother of two. She had forgotten about William Faulkner’s novel one to call the children into the house.
Tomas falls into a deep hole from which he saves himself by his writing. But he may he be inspired by this suffering of others? “Everything Will Be Fine” tells of guilt and seeking forgiveness, the courage to accept life as it is, and the value of others for one’s own life.
SZ. en: In English, the word “everything” normally written together, but in the title of your new film disconnect the word “every” and “thing”. What They wanted to express? That every single thing is good, and not just the bottom line
Wim Wenders: Exactly. If you write it in two words, you take it much more seriously. Everything else is just a throwaway remark so flat: ‘It’ll be all right.’ In the notation “every” and “thing”, two words, there really should be all good, every thing.
If a child dies because nothing can be good.
You are right that can not be invalidated or offset. Of the past you can not change anything anyway. But in relationships you can make something and also on the attitude towards things. They are not as they are but as one perceives them, they also change. As we well know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The starting point of your drama is an accident in which a child died in an accident. In Matthias Glasner’s drama “grace” that was three years ago, an approach to challenge entrenched settings – Glasner did this by presenting a radical act of forgiveness. “Everything Will Be Fine” is also about the forgiveness, but only marginally. When it comes to accept things as they are?
This is an issue, but not the main subject. That only comes out right when Tomas (played by lead actor James Franco, really have to deal with the only person who has experienced the tragic accident with him, the brother of the little boy, who was himself a child , The overarching theme of the film for me is defined by Martin Buber, for me, a hero of the 20th century philosophy. His major work, “Me and You” describes the “I” is defined only by making it a “you” accepted.
Talk to the scene in which Tomas with Christopher after many years get serious talks. But this Tomas Christopher actually need in order to find yourself? He’s a successful writer, and the accident caused by him inspired him even
Maybe that’s his actual guilt. To process this accident, and thus the suffering of others into a book. At the accident itself gives him no one’s fault, not even the mother of the child, leading to death. But this book makes him a better writer! And only twelve years later emerged this young man up and wants to know: “Am I?” And then there is this boy before him much more important than the literature, which he has made of him? Tomas defends him, he can not use that intrusion of reality into the completed past. Only when pisses him Christoper to bed, he sat down with him and takes him seriously. He eventually takes him even in his arm and says: “From now on you belong in my life you can always turn up..” This is for one who handles everything to fiction, a huge step.
Because applies for a writer to a particularly high degree that he an observer who wants to be possible, not themselves involved in what he describes. “Everything Will Be Fine” but would not necessarily be a writer, it’s all about how to deal with trauma. How can you look at the other one, who is involved, and with whose life you do not want to have to mean something? It’s pure coincidence that drinsteckt suddenly in the lives of others.
show Tomas as someone who is clocked very rational. The reason you seem critical in the film. But prudence is nevertheless desirable or not?
The rationale is with him, especially the defense. This is a rather manly bearing. That is why his wife Ann is so angry about it. Women are different knitted, they make things not so quickly fall by the wayside. Important things or conflicts can not remain unspoken. Men more likely to make things unsaid.
Tomas but writes successful novels. Books are especially successful when they reach the emotions of people. As Tomas do that, if he did not experience what he brings to paper?
What he does not riff in life, he succeeds in writing. In psychology, this means sublimation. Freud thus brought the phenomenon expresses that a psychological shock is processed so that something positive is it.
Your film was discussed mainly positive in the German press, while the reviews in the English-language press were rather bad
You could also clearly say. Devastating. But reviews were only available in the trade papers ( journals such as Variety , Hollywood Reporter and Screen Daily ). And have proved to be what they are de facto: representatives of their industry. Who mercilessly said: Our industry does not need this kind of 3D and certainly not in such stories. Since it was not about film criticism, but the Represented by industrial interests.
European auteur cinema is the Americans so often deliberately. Was your film for its taste too slow
“Another kind of thing, as it is known in the cinema so far.” Wim Wenders at the world premiere of “Every thing will be fine” at the Berlinale 2015.
(Photo: Paul Katz )
I think it was worse for that. They’re gone in completely unprepared and did not even previously peeked in the press kits. That should be put on 3D glasses for an intimate family drama? Who no longer understand the world. ‘What explains the fact, and why does he do it in 3D?’
The question is 3D but you were also provided by the European press. The film is indeed in much of a chamber play and keep as many 3D unnecessary. Normally, the format is in Phantasy- or action movies on the application, why now it may be unnecessary in this film?
That you, has claimed no criticism in Germany. No one will do, who engages in the movie. Should I explain in the narrative level or on an ontological or philosophical level? I did this in 3D, because I’m sure you a person who stands in front of the camera and appears on the screen, is much closer. That was my basic experience of “Pina”:. An enormous increase in the presence of the actors
Her documentary “Pina”, however, is about the dance, which is the space, in other words, per se, to the third dimension about.
Of course, this was also the first time approach. But then I realized: This 3D cameras were still many more that look so much more accurate! And you have to use even for storytelling! I had the feeling that have x-ray vision and look downright into the men, at their base. Or act like a magnifying glass: Everything is magnified. This is obviously the opposite of the application, such as 3D is shown in action movies where you namely no man sees – even a Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean films is indeed a pure comic book character. Here you can see so much detail with 3D people …
You can capture the aura around a person around, invitations to his secret. And I think that makes “Everything Will Be Fine” too, but it’s an experience to which you have to get involved, and is fairly new in the cinema. The perception that there is someone you can be more present as an actor before on the flat screen, which must penetrate into consciousness.
Your late colleague Michael Glawogger that allows you, among other last year, the documentary have realized “cathedrals of culture”, discovered in this documentary also 3D for themselves. His argument sounded quite similar to yours, but with the view of objects. He referred in particular historical tomes from the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, whose inner life he thought he could show much more detail in 3D.
In his case it was just the books. I think Glawogger would have signed with that all things appear differently in 3D are just more present, more “there”! This is also a reason for the title of my film that every single thing is good: if things can be seen differently, with a different attitude. 3D can be really helpful because to change as a visual attitude
These things are well in your film often books. The Faulkner, the Kate burns in the fireplace; or the best-seller, who writes Tomas.
Right. See it: even if this notebook is just the first settings of the film on the table, and Tomas wakes up and stares at it, then this notebook is a different kind of thing, as it is known in the cinema so far. I am convinced that in the future all things 3D cinema will have a different place, and above all the people. Also in 3D documentaries! And that’s a naked horror for the trade papers, they do not want just now. You want to see the movie so perpetuated, as it is at the moment.
How did the cinema, in your view at the moment? If we look at the mainstream today, then runs out of almost superhero films, while Polanski, Kubrick in the seventies mass events were – with demanding films
Perhaps one glorifies the old days something, but at that time. it was determined not so much scrap as today.
Why is that? Lacking in the age of Internet and mobile communications of patience?
The patience is a part of it. From causing to something that is always difficult. This applies to the cinema, but also for daily life. For all of us there is a lack of time, which is constantly more precious. I do not know anyone who has his time management under control, and all the things riff, he wants to do that reads, looks and listens to what he read, watch and listen wants and still maintains his relationships. I only know of people who afterwards panting. I myself am one who hinterherhechelt at the forefront, because I do so much.
A lot of you have made but always. If the time for you to become still more precious
Just one example: The great movies that I have seen in my life, I sometimes consecutively watched three or four times. I’m in “2001″ ( Stanley Kubrick’s “2001 – A Space Odyssey”. 1968, ) and was then the next day always in “2001″. Or was I in Godard’s “2 ou 3 choses” in the matinee, and then I stayed until the last performance there and have seen him four times in a row. It’s possible that you might go today.
Sometimes, when the film was great, it might still enough for a second time.
Yes, sometimes tell me the people: “I have seen your movie twice.” I think this is actually no longer really. Maybe the second time already in the “Fast Forward”. That which my film is ultimately that of Tomas appear at the end finally gets involved in this boy and tells him: “You know, I never let them into my life in,” just is always difficult: ranzulassen things in themselves. It bothers me very much that the people as important now as I have shown it in my own vision of the future in 1990 in “The Far Side of the World.”
How could the people at your opinion after encounter? The lack of time has also maybe positive reasons, for example because there are more ways to use time more – from video blogging to self-publishing. They even say of themselves so that you are behind heck of time because you do much.
Sure, there are more opportunities to be with God and the world combined, a few thousand friends to have … But if you need a time, then help is a real, not virtual. And so here is a root of all evil: that we all make a lot of our experience only at second hand. Even in the movies, remakes and sequels all this: Only second hand everything! The precious things happen directly, face to face, with real things and real people. The time for that you need to take back, snatch the virtual world once again!
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