Sunday, April 19, 2015

“Tatort” from Cologne: Murderous family ties and a brilliant Armin Rohde – ABC Online

Sunday, 04.19.2015, 18:15
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The new “crime scene” from Cologne has all the ingredients that are needed for a successful crime evening: “Thicker than Water” is a dramatic father-son story that comes up with great actors. Above all: a magnificent Armin Rohde, showing once again that he can best villains

  • Armin Rohde plays unscrupulous father.
  • family drama about dependencies
  • New Team Member: Patrick Abozen is assistant Tobias Reisser

First of all: alone, because Armin Rohde it pays to turn on the TV for the latest event in Cologne. Many times he has proven that he has evil is exceptionally well to face. And this time he fascinated in the role of an unscrupulous Kotzbrockens , which crushed his son with his superior strength and exploited him for his shady dealings.

But along the way to make it even more that you almost sympathetic finds him so much Charisma as it radiates from Ralf Trimbornstraße. Even Freddy Schenk threatens the short term to succumb to his charms.

This is what “Thicker than Water”

Laura Albertz (Alice Dwyer) finds her friend, the young bar owner Oliver Moor middle of the night in front of his restaurant. Had he made enemies? Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt) and Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär) have quickly Erik Trimborn (Ludwig Trepte) under suspicion. His motive: Oliver and he were once friends – before him Laura stretched had

But even the father of the murdered trust the shy young man a murder not to. His father, all the more: Ralf Trimbornstraße (Armin Rohde) has a long criminal record and was recently released from prison. If he has revenge on Oliver because his son was not capable of?

are the most popular German actors

father-son drama dependencies

“All in the Family” : This proverb that is also title giving almost perfectly what is the latest Cologne-case goes: A disastrous father-son story , a drama about dependencies within a family. The affected because it is so close and realistic seems: Many viewers certainly know, to a lesser extent in which it is not just a matter of life and death, this feeling of dependency of his neighbor

There have also Commissioners Ballauf and Schenk all the effort that entanglements to identify and intervene before something worse happens. . This time especially Freddy Schenk has problems, not to let the case close touch her

Freddy Schenk in a bad mood

Also, since he seems to be particularly thin-skinned in this case: At the beginning he is threatened by two teenagers and chained with his own handcuffs to a lamppost. This has the big, strong Freddy , which is like in any situation of the situation to nibble a long time.

A very large portion of his displeasure gets the new assistant to the team from Tobias Reisser – played by Patrick Abozen . He belongs now, after a brief stint sticking firmly to the ensemble and takes over the job of Franziska Lüttgenjohann ((Tessa Mittelstaedt), as the 1999 to 2014 was Cologne assistant. Even if the Commissioner does all the new data quickly again verkraulen …
The FOCUS Online Tip: switched paths Armin Rohde and an exciting event

!. Behind the scenes of the “crime scene”

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