Friday, December 16, 2016

Echo music award ARD no longer transmits the ceremony – MIRROR ONLINE

Because of the Echo the last time “exhausted and tired,” had been omitted, the ARD 2017 on the Transfer of the ceremony. In April, the music prize gala had arranged for a number of the Commotion.

Rapper Sido on the Echo awards in 2016


Rapper Sido on the Echo awards in 2016

In the coming year, the ARD does not transfer the awarding of the music prize Echo. ARD entertainment coordinator Thomas Schreiber called in an interview with the editor-in network in Germany (RND) “substantive reasons” for this decision.

The Echo was in his 25. Birthday in April “and tired” have been exhausted, so the writers. “If a musician, for which the prize is to be awarded, the promise of more popularity, that you dissen on stage at a price, and bad, as the viewer can have fun at home?”

This refers to a scribe, probably on the scandal, the Rapper Sido had provoked. He was nominated in 2016 for four awards, but went completely blank, as he revealed himself during the live show: “The are so stupid here in the Echo,” said Sido, “behind the stage, all of the prices of rum.” He had a look of who wins. “At least I can’t.”

this year’s Gala was yet another reason controversial: After 2013, as it protests against the nomination of the right rocker.Wild had given and they had been deleted from the German Phono-Academy, finally, again from the nominated list, were Free.Wild in 2016 with the price of division of the Rock/Alternative National awards.

From the hall of audience had been some booing. Of the artists alone singers bosses positioned against the controversial Band. In many of the media had been called for then a Reform of the echoes, so that in the future more content for the economic criteria to be decided.

The waiver, the Transmission of the Echo-Gala is for the ARD from the rate perspective in any case, no loss. This year, less than 3.5 million viewers saw the Show.


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