Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Richard and Cathy Lugner: mortar 5. Divorce! Five reasons why it is also … – news.de

It mörtelt. Tomorrow, Wednesday, the fifth divorce of the old Viennese building contractor Richard Lugner (84) is in Vienna, called the mortar, completed. You can quite suspect that it’s the Only thing that was accomplished in this marriage in the recent time. “Moch’ma demolition”, say the Wiener on such occasions. You mean: From is – and schleich di!

also read: Sad birthday! “Mortar” is a celebration without a “walk”.

divorce with Cathy and Richard “mortar” liar

Trouble is in the air. Mortar and his 57-year-younger wife Cathy Schmitz, called “a walk”, have insulted, after all the rule of the art of each other. It could be anything whatever in the world is actually pretty, but you couldn’t be more wrong – given the importance of both personalities. If, for example, in Google only the first name Richard, so Richard Lugner in the first place, appears immediately in front of the supposed celebrities such as Richard Gere, Richard Wagner or Richard David Precht. The man you have to know!

What is Cathy Lugner to your flash has to say divorce, you can find here on Clipfish

Richard Lugner Vienna Opera ball

And who knows mortar, knows where all the hustle and bustle. Most of all he demonstrated it at the Vienna Opera ball, where the fine company raped the Holy culture of this city, or at least desecrated looks and most of all to faint to fall. Also a saying of the immortal satirist Karl Kraus is sent into circulation. Has blasphemed about his home town: “In Vienna, the zeros before the one.”

PHOTOS: the Vienna Opera ball Lugners women and men

Richard mortar is already married five Times

there were not only five wives, but also a lot of life companions, usually 50 and more years younger: “Hasi”, “beetle”, “Bambi”, “Katzi”, “Hummingbird”, and how they all were. Even more striking than this gallery of mortar is Smile. You can argue about whether it is good or a child, or both. In any case, it is stapled in this cunning face, like a punch and Judy puppet.

separation with Richard and Cathy Lugner

the divorce no. 5. What has located this time? To him or her? Or on the normal madness? the Viennese leaf “courier” has a professional tries to give the audience more insight. The author of the book, and a couple of coach Dominik Borde, founded in Vienna, the company of social dynamics, explained in Detail the Failure of this marriage. From this we can read several reasons for the separation of a walk-and-mortar.


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