Friday, November 18, 2016

Boy language : “Fly be” youth word of the year – daily mirror

“Fly,” the “youth word of the year”. It means that someone or something is “off”, informed the Langenscheidt-Verlag in Munich on Friday.

For the selection of 30 terms, to show, how the youth speaks today. A 20-member Jury had selected the word.

In an Online poll had to be “fly” before, only 4.4 percent of the vote reached. Top horsemen of the term “isso” as an approval or underline something with 20 percent, followed by “full-pole antenna” for a selfie stick.

which was, according to the members of the Jury are not bound to the results of the vote, but sorted out quickly, because he seemed to be a little creative. “My dad used,” said Isabelle Deckert of the ProSieben-show “Taff”, which was sitting with in the body.

From the Hip-Hop language

“Fly” come from the Hip-Hop language and find its input in the language of the youth. “It is a phenomenon of the year 2016,” said the linguist Susanne Schrader. The 19-year-old Maximilian Knab and the 18-year-old Julian Prechtl, who also sat of the Jury, have heard the word, although, as you said, but never used.

Nevertheless, it was in the Jury-debate against “bae” (short for “before anyone else”), “hop-smoothie” for beer and “bamboo line” for a slow Internet connection. “Hop smoothie” was, according to Knabs, because alcohol should not be glorified.

13-/14-Year old should have no tinder garden

“tinder the garden” for a collection of Online-Dating-contacts had should have no Chance, because “13-/14-Year no tinder garden”. “Full pole antenna” as a term for a selfie stick fell through at the Jury, “because today, no one more says full post”.

In the past year was “Smombie” – a portmanteau of Smartphone and Zombie – to the “youth word of the year” was elected. 2014 was the youth word of a sentence: “with you”, in 2013 it was “Babo” which means Boss or leader.
The annual election of the “youth word of the year” is a promotion of the Langenscheidt publishing house for Youth-a lexicon, and not without controversy. All doubts will be raised as to whether young people really talk like that. a (dpa)


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