Friday, November 25, 2016

Media: Jauch celebrity Quiz: 317 000 EUR for the good cause – FOCUS Online

media: Jauch celebrity Quiz: 317 000 EUR for the good cause

Friday, 25.11.2016, 07:46

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Four celebrities sit with Günther Jauch on the chair. At the end of while there is no record, but it has embarrassed no one.

Three times 64 000 euros in profits, even 125, 000 euros – so the balance of the 33. Prominent edition of Günther Jauch on RTL’s Quiz show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” on Thursday evening.

sports commentator Frank Buschmann (52) earned for the “RTL – We help children”, 125 000 euros. Julia Klöckner (43), CDU land Chairman of the Rhineland-Palatinate, the chef Tim Raue (42), as well as singer Mark Forster (32) made 64 000 euros. Results: of 317 000 euros for the good cause.

Klöckner failed in the 125 000-Euro-question: “In the list of the most common family name names come in this country to a loud profession as a first characteristic word is the Name of…? A: Big B: Small, C: Long, D: Young." Your “phone a friend”, the ARD-literary critic Denis Scheck, advised her to D – but in Klöckner, the money did not want to put on the game and gave up. B is the correct solution.

Sport expert Bushman would have even with 500 000 Euro to go home, he would have come for this question to the correct solution: “anyone Who says a single girl may be more useful than twenty boys? A: Peter Pan B: Pippi Longstocking, Harry Potter, D: Bibi Blocksberg." “Buschi”, which is used in the RTL in the future, in some Shows, gambled and got – the right answer is A.

singer Mark Forster (Au revoir), the 125 000-Euro-question is not a risk. “Anyone who seeks out a so-called recovery room? A: Honey Bees, B: Gold Miners, C: Stock Exchange Brokers, D: Sperm Donor." Forster called with notary Christoph Schmidt for his “phone a friend”, and settled on the wrong answer: A honey bees. Right D, but Forster made with 64 000 Euro from the field.

The trickiest part was for cooking Rough, had to abandon the disease-lack of colleague Tim Mälzer due and up to 64 000 Euro question was: “Which instruments are sold in sizes 4/4, 7/8, 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4? A: Cross B Flutes: Trumpets, Pianos, D: Concert Guitars." His phone-a-friend, music Manager Till Janczukowicz, typed in wrong on A, Rough was allowed to Maltsters call, but it had to fit. Correct D.

Still – it went to a good cause – was Rough because of the difficult to solve conditions, a replacement question: “Who has to deal with a professional most likely with taste patterns? A: A Patent Attorney, B: The Carpet Merchant, C: Allergist, D: The Restaurant Critic". The chef: A.


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