Saturday, September 24, 2016

Holocaust witness Max Mannheimer is dead – MIRROR ONLINE

He was one of the most prominent Holocaust Survivors and representative of the Jews in Germany. Since the end of the war, Max struggled Mannheim against Forgetting. Now he is died.

Max Mannheimer in January  2015

picture alliance/ dpa

Max Mannheim in January 2015

Max Mannheimer, a Survivor of the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Dachau, has died at the age of 96 years, in a Munich clinic. This is the head of the concentration camp Dachau memorial, Gabriele hammermann told, on Saturday. Mannheim since 1988 and Chairman of the 1946 of former prisoners founded the “camp community Dachau”.

hammer man, confirmed on Sunday the news of the death man from Mannheim: “This is a very sad news. The memorial and its employees mourn the loss of a good friend.” Like no other he had introduced himself with all his Person, against the Forget to fight and at the same time as the reconciler. Mannheim was honoured for his Work with many awards.

Mannheim, on 6. February 1920 in Ltd, North Moravia, was born, experienced the time of national socialism, an unprecedented martyrdom. Early on, he and his family, growing discrimination, perceived. After the “annexation” of the Sudetenland the father was arrested in 1938 for the first time.

The escape of the family in the neighbouring countries was not enough, the war and the Nazis caught up with them: In January 1943, she was deported first to Theresienstadt, then to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The parents, man from Mannheim’s wife and a sister were murdered in the first night in the gas chambers, another sister three weeks later, a brother of the following month. The last two Survivors of the family, the brothers Max and Edgar, should also survive the transfer to Dachau and years of forced labor.

indicates That the Max Mannheimer remained after these experiences, and over the decades the political and cultural life of the country, dedicated his size: First of all, he told himself, in his autobiography, he just want to go. Then he met his second wife, a German and former resistance fighter, and decided otherwise: Mannheimer became one of the most eloquent witnesses and documentary the unspeakable crimes of the Nazi period. His last major public appearance he experienced in February 2015, when he received the US Vice-President Joe Biden at the latter’s private visit to the memorial in Dachau.


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