Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Cave Lion: New Season with Carsten Maschmeyer – SPIEGEL ONLINE

In a drawer, they must still be that hastily scribbled on a beer mat designs for “Boozn”: a bra Individually fillable, double-sided liquid reservoir, which allows you to secretly smuggle liquor reserves for its own use in expensive clubs, discreet wegpichelbar over one with the naked eye barely visible, behind the ear to Schnütchen extending Trinkschläuchlein.

it was this world idea long forgotten again until now the new season of “the cave lion” started off, the mission that each feel lends itself still to Trump-like soar to become mega Entrepreneur despite recent Holperwegs. Transparent rates rauszuhauen as “We are particularly successful in the barbecue area” and without flinching, daherzufantasieren Bizarro reviews in the millions.

At least for the few minutes praese they have before the so-called lion’s give their verdict on the business idea, the participants in the program seem really to believe. Until the potential investors begin to bone the idea. And “The cave of the lion” suddenly shows that the shipment actually “Goodbye Germany” is, only without cumbersome traveling abroad

Also in the new season that is still the most beautiful moments of the format. The disbelief in the lion-faces, the offenmäulige amazed that for a few moments derailed completely undisguised Angewidertheit of as much Simpeltum. And of course, then the following Genöle in the cave, the continuous escalation of “You argumentierst again totally wrong” over “Please stop it, do it all hurt” to “you probably come from the Fantasialand”.

the two new in the investors jury fit well in the pack – so much you hate the clumsy, niedergenudelte lion imagery of moderation, so quickly can you look but be drawn into a world of thought in which one ascribes Carsten Maschmeyer completely irony free predatory qualities that is the great achievement of the mission.

Carsten Maschmeyer, the puzzling nature

Of course it is a pity to Lencke Steiner to happy little Sofaspielchen was with her: Who made it if you’re watching at home first, “I’m out!” bawling when after a pitch her face was displayed? The bräsige certificate authority by Vural Öger was amusing. But now came Trading Mogul Ralf Dümmel, liked by slightly Dandy (red socks for black suit!) Liability and mild visual reminiscences of Udo Jürgens. And of course, not so undisputed financial entrepreneur Carsten Maschmeyer, the puzzling nature.

 Carsten Maschmeyer
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Carsten Maschmeyer

In his first appearance was learned now directly, that he has a “garden intern”. Hach, the whims of the rich! Maschmeyer liiiiebt namely plants and gardeners, as he pointed out extensively, so he digs even more deeply in the concept of “Evrgreen” a schnickschnackisierten houseplants shipping. Flayed startup weary at home had this company, if only because of the stupid missing “E” s hate spontaneously – earlier, much earlier, this quirk was in start-up circles sometimes modern, now she’s long since something like a Name register Arschgeweih.

Evrgreen thus provides basically the same plant in which one paddling in shopping Endtrance in Swedish furniture stores even in the crowded shopping cart, only that they cost more here, but names like “Forrest Master”, “Otto rain hail “or” Ulf “wear. And you get regular emails with Düngeermahnungen.

Masch Meyers garden intern, however, brings its botanical cross-examination quickly to light “has more idea” of plants as the two founders, so the scholl affiliated investor must refrain from money transfer. “I love plants”, he encounters again out fervently.

Then already taken place the glorious appearance of the evening, performs from a lawyer who surprisingly conjures an ironing board and a self-invented sleeve ironing aid from the office-Stage and furiously flatten “look at how wonderful biased sleeves already are.”

Dümmel and the “strap Clou”

Maschmeyer however is familiar not only with Horn cucumbers, but also with shirts, maybe he scarify his precious lawn even in fine dress shirt. Did he also an ironing intern? It is possible. Anyway, then all talk shop about the symbolic capital value of a clearly visible shirtsleeve strap edge, it is wonderful television. Dümmel end up making his first deal since it anyway masse sell iron, will in future mitverhökert evenly also still the “bow-Clou”.

Also interesting is the appearance of a Dirndl businesswoman, offering an online configurator, inter alia, with the also non-player women can put together a farbdesaströses Schreck Dirndl. It purrs their pitch down like a robot on remaining battery, easy haltingly and with breaks. To the. Wrong. Ask how you know it from Heidi Klum’s top-modeliger sentencing. “Make something with drama, you do ?? the great!” Said Maschmeyer but did not get back on. With excitement, interesting, what he thought so for large mimes Art “They are lions worth right!”, He says and looks forward to which it has long waited for this tip Kalauer burned him for a long time in the edges ironed precious shirtsleeve. He and Judith Williams invest each EUR 125,000 for 20 percent Dirndl-play

The beautiful finale occur still a very tanned dentist on a performance-enhancing splint and a permanently grinning world traveler. The latter has a platform for online travel profiles developed that marks a world map with the places where you have been and where you upload images – so as Instagram or Tumblr eh already integrated a function that social media big boats.

“I am full gun Nerd”

Found galling for tech investor Frank Thelen so that watches with seemingly already physical pain as the grien company founders be drilled deeper and deeper into the mud: “I am full gun Nerd” rants of, after all, he had only last month in his company invested 200 euros, 35 percent more promptly generates growth and already 9,000 users linked in two years! Finally Thelen may raise the stakes as mandatory destruction blow, which makes a “den of lions” episode only really nice, “You do not see that you have not created anything.” At the last minute is then for the Reisefex still a desk and a signing bonus at Leo Jochen Schweizer inside.

“I’m scared, but I think it’s cool,” stammers the founder. Approximately the same emotional state, then, with the one on again next time too, so the television intern has not again verschusselt the remote control.


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