Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jella “Chantal” Haase in an interview on “F * ck You, Goethe” and “looping” – THE WORLD

Jella Haase, 23, receives at its Berlin agency with red lips on orange high heels. A long table, many chairs. She takes her back to the big window seat, as if to protect her face from an overly intrusive light. In conversation she is seriously reflected. Before she answers, she thinks only careful as could steal their questions as the light slightly. The chattering Prolette Chantal, with the Berliner in comedy “F * ck You, Goethe” became famous, was only one role. The sitting here opposite, is another

The World:. you wearing bunny socks and Miu Miu coat stilettos. Are you growing up

Jella Haase: Due to the high heels, you mean? No. At least I am still not so mature that I could say that I have now left the Teenagersein completely behind me. The high heels are my work dud. I wear them consciously. It’s just that I protect my private life. This also means that I have gained a kind of workwear for example for interviews. I find the shoes nice but Jella privately looks different, can go so they just normal run and eat through Berlin without being approached all the time by some people.

The world: you are Jella Haase. Why do you speak of himself in the third person

Haase: In order to clarify the distinction between professional world and private life for you , Here in the interview I sit not private. Here I am the Movie Jella-Haase. There are my real life and then the film world. I need this separation necessarily. Complicated. I used almost always suffered a bit when I shot. Especially for fear of missing out, parties, my friend or something. And when I flew back in the evening, I sat sadly on the plane and was totally exhausted. Today I am no longer so distracted. My Circle will have little to do with the film world anyway. Conversely, I have to come back only once to one rotation. I just turned in Cologne, together with Carlo Ljubek: “Life after” tells the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg. I think the film is pretty crass. I cried a lot, the role went in terms of force really to my limits. Then you want only silence. be alone at home, wash clothes, clean apartment. Simple really come down

The World:. As Chantal you were in the box office hit “ju Fack goehte” suddenly famous. Success needs but also have something nice

Haase:. That the film was going so well, of course, has been looking forward infinitely. As for me, I did not really understand what happened back then. As if you had to describe the universe: I knew we succeed, yes, but the dimension is hard to grasp. For our premiere tour we are <"teKino" / span class => flown to cinema by helicopter from the cinema, which was pretty wicked. In events other people say today at a time “Hello”. But ultimately, I still just go to auditions and make an effort as before

The World:. After the comedy play with “looping” now in an arthouse movie where you end up in a mental institution, as in the drama “4 kings”: Leila is raped and then incontinent, then they can instruct

Haase: Yes, the incontinence will speak completely their responsibility robbed. Most importantly, it’s about what happens when three so lost women like the bulimic Frenja that caught Ann and almost childlike Leila meet. To close that arises between these three figures 19-52, the Intergenerational. And so, how do they find each other in spite of adverse circumstances and fall in love

The World:. It builds a close and also erotic relationship to – and simultaneously Leila the fear of life after discharge. The film also invokes an oppressive sadness, profound emptiness. Where did you get those feelings for your roles

Haase: No such feelings in me. Naturally. My character struggles with fear of loss – the mother dead, the connection is faulty to the Father, so the theme of love is so painful for her. I had during the shoot right nightmares in which my subconscious has really served my most basic fears

The World:. Want you might tell a dream

Haase: I do not really want

The world: As bad

Haase: The thing is, I do not dream abstract. In the film, I have to grow this dream from the grass in front of the window that suddenly stops. This is my image of fear: that everything disappears. In reality I dream totally realistic. There are very personal dreams, the reason I want to keep private

The World:. You have psychiatric patients, a drug addict , a homeboy-Tussi played. Is it also in your personality to be repeatedly overwhelmed nonconformist and with reality

Haase: I think not only in my. The world has become so fast. That’s a lot of people too much. Especially in Berlin. You just stand. All must now know at 18, 19 have exactly what they want: to be present, famous, successful. I mean not just related to me. Actually, I’m up now, I think, grown quite healthy

The World:. You are so young. Do you even have experienced great losses

Haase: I’ve never something really bad happens. I may be someone who loves strong. Love is a miracle for me. This means, I think automatically that you also afraid of losing a love again

The World:. What lives your generation? What she dreams, what she believes? What are the anxieties of a 23-year-olds today

Haase: There is a pressure to do something special or particularly to be. Otherwise you have wasted your life. It is not necessarily around being famous, but to be perceived to have success with one thing. You will not disappear in a pabulum. The dream of our generation is, we want to realize ourselves. I myself, too

The World:. What do you mean actually “realize”? The here but the reality

Haase:. It’s about to do something has never yet existed. The world has become smaller, more closely. There is nothing special to go to America. There are already all the time, even if only with their smartphones. We have to seek new goals to top the old. The more and more difficult, because almost everything seems possible for everyone today. One could also say that I find my happiness by I get children and marry course. But the simplicity of being seems to be no accepted model of life more. People no longer simply disappears in a row house until you die. Everything must be particularly new or particularly cool or crass. I mean without any value, it’s just so

The World:. Is this an issue that is on the spoken ?

Haase: I can not speak for my entire generation. Actually it’s us all right, we really had to fight hard for nothing. We are growing very privileged to all freedoms. We did not have to fight to take the pill, we could simply decide. We know of no war, famine, no real poverty. Nevertheless, we are a thoughtful generation

The World:. What it is because

Haase: To love you. Love is complicated because an idea is played on as many platforms that one almost dizzy. Dating has become so stressful because there are so many channels. Accessibility is huge, thereby much desired. Always I watch, if it is not there a better option. One can quickly comforted, but what really fulfilled neighborhood? Personally, I am could not fall in love as a Tinder Dating App. The idea to meet someone and before not to know him, I imagine totally cramped. I am in the fortunate position to be loved, I have a boyfriend. Nevertheless, it’s all about hope, about longing for love and childlike faith that this can be possible, must, should. The calls indeed the film: Leila is a bit like a puppy. She takes on everything they can get on odors, colors, feelings. Just because I want to see whether or not pure straight back more, because I have the feeling you get forgotten a bit. It blunts. That one pretending to feel something or know that you would feel something, but it does not feel. I’m just back to such a point: I want to live right, I want to take it all back just

The World:. what’s Next

Haase: So I do not think I’ll get life on me and me of the world of terror, so do not be intimidated. If it happens, happens’s. It makes me more defiant. Stark. I want to live and do ordinary things, jumping around in the rain, go out in the Uckermark and swim with my friends naked in the lake. I have a car that I can close behind how such a dog catcher car in which I can also sleep. Just a good feeling.


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