Saturday, February 20, 2016

World famous author and philosopher Umberto Eco dies at 84 years – Tagesspiegel

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His novel “the name of the Rose” earned him worldwide fame in 1980. Since then, the Italians came to prominence as a philosopher and Sprachiwssenschaftler a name.

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The Italian writer Umberto Eco is dead. As the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” reported, citing the family, Eco died on Friday night at the age of 84 years. Eco died around 22.30 in his apartment, it said. Umberto Eco was known primarily as an author. But the Italians also went up as a philosopher and linguist a name.

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi expressed according to the news agency Ansa his deep grief over the death Ecos. He praised him as an exceptional example of a European intellectuals. His death was a “tremendous loss” for the cultural world of his voice will be missing, ruled Renzi

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After his novel “the name of the Rose” (1980) celebrated Eco with other publications international success: “Foucault’s pendulum” (1988), “the island of the day Before” ( 1994) and “Baudolino” (2000) have become international bestsellers. 2011 published the German edition of his novel “The Prague Cemetery”.

“The name of the Rose” in cinemas worldwide success

Eco was since his sudden break with the bestseller million-selling “the name of the Rose” three decades ago world famous for his novels. The gruesome murders in a Benedictine monastery in the Italian Apennines came in 1986 with Sean Connery in the main role to the movies and was a huge success

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The writer, columnist and scientists has numerous awards excellent. In Mainz Eco was in 2014 awarded the Guttenberg Prize. The Board paid tribute to his “brilliant cultural theory” and described the northerners as “gifted storyteller”, have introduced millions of readers in book culture and history. Even the Order of Merit and the prestigious Italian Strega Prize was awarded Eco in recent years. What was missing was the Nobel Prize in Literature.

From journalists Scientists Author

Eco writes equally exciting and intricate novels, full of flashes of inspiration and cultural and historical density. He is considered one of the great authors of contemporary world literature. He wants to represent life in all its blazing and contradictory Unauslotbarkeit try. He will not only entertain, but also provoke, and is thereby also not “one of those bad writers who claim they wrote only for himself”.

Born in 1932 grew Eco, the son of an accountant in the Piedmontese town Alessandria. He studied in Turin philosophy and literary history, struck after a career as a scientist. Eco initially worked for media and publishing before 1971 Professor of Semiotics. After numerous guest professorships in the world and more than 30 honorary doctorates he introduced in 2007 finally began teaching a.

Together with his German wife, with whom he was married for more than half a century and has two children, Eco lived in his native Italy. His private library comprised by its own estimates, about 50,000 books

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