Thursday, February 18, 2016

Art Schutte sculpture accidentally separated at reducing head – ABC Online

Thursday , 02.18.2016, 15:05
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The reduction of three known Schütte Sculptures in Essen was supposed to make sure that no one steals or damaged. Exactly the latter is now happening in the breakdown.

A four-meter high bronze sculpture by renowned artist Thomas Schütte has been accidentally severed the head in the breakdown in food.

It is part of three works full sculptural group “All great minds” and was erected in 2004 on the outside area of ​​the Philharmonie Essen. Owner of the Essen art collector Thomas Olbricht. He had caused the degradation of valuable works for fear of damage.

A crane had wanted to raise the figure by means of a strap around the head on Thursday when presumably yielded a weld. The head fell to the ground. The figure stopped and could be solved only later in a second attempt with difficulty from the ground.

Schütte (61) expressed incomprehension at the breakdown. The fact that the extremely heavy works of art out of concern would be removed from damage, he considered a “mock debate,” Schutte said on Thursday the German press agency. Only with a mobile crane, the sculpture could be moved. “The base and anchors have been glued in the establishment ten years ago, by anyone, so you had the pluck with violence,” Schutte said.

The group of sculptures was created in 1998 and 2004. Since 2004, the year the Philharmonic’s opening, they stood as a permanent loan before the glass facade of the RWE Pavilion of the Philharmonie.

On the damage to the Düsseldorf sculptor reacted calmly. “Den you can weld again. This is not destroyed, that’s just a loss. “But was interesting rather” whether the insurance that now pay “.

For a statement on the accident in the degradation Olbricht was not immediately be reached. Previously it had been called in an announcement of the city that he regretted the breakdown, but please be patient. “No one can prevent and exclude for the future that this great work of art will be damaged,” Olbricht said, according to the release. The city regretted the loss.


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