Monday, March 30, 2015

Crime scene: Klaus Borowski clarifies murder of pedophile Hartz IV recipients – RP ONLINE

Dusseldorf. In Kiel “Tatort” cleared on Sunday evening, the Commissioners Klaus Borowski and Sarah Brandt on the murder of a pedophile Hartz IV recipients in Gaarden problem area. The thriller was a lesson on the social consequences of neglect and emotional neglect. By Martina Stoecker

The best pictures

Scandinavian cool effect of the Crime of Kiel. Images from the bird’s eye view and close-ups showing the whole desolation of the neighborhood Gaarden. Visually, a strong “crime scene”. The scene in which Commissioner Borowski (Axel Milberg) is bullying and extortion, can include a soccer field with the youth gang that the main suspect Timo Scholz (Bruno Alexander), is impressive and plays in the symbolism on the domestication of wild animals to.

What lasting effect

The Writers Eva and Volker A. Zahn have been inspired by a real case from Berlin. There was a problem area at a similar “youth club”. The man abused a boy who killed him then. The solution in this case is not so easy, but the subject of neglect and indifference to sexual abuse is strong. “Borowski and the children of Gaarden” has become more a social study as a thriller. And the film is also the better social drama and touching describes the circumstances in which the future of children is lost: a mixture of ignorance, lack of attention and feeling cold. It plays to a place where little money is available, but all animals – and many are these important than the people around them. And the film shows young people and children, the unloved grow because of social neglect and therefore not perceive sexual abuse as such, because it simply means a form of attention for it.

The lustigeste dialog

A dog barks. Borowski to a boy: “Do you have a dog?” “No, this is my brother.” “And your brother is barking?”

The one knows yet

Tom Wlaschiha plays the opaque district police Thorsten noise. “Rauschi” knows Commissioner Sarah Brandt (Sibel Kekilli) nor from their youth, on a personal level is played long with the suspicion of the police. The native axis embodied in the series “Game of Thrones” killer Jaquen H’ghar and is in the fifth season it again.

The most touching monologue

“The number one rule in Gaarden is: you can either do wrong or very wrong a right does not exist here.”. Not only Borowski is impressed by so much worldly wisdom of teens Timo Scholz.

What bothers you?

Borowski is always a softie under the “crime scene” -Ermittlern but in this sociogram he overdoes it a bit with his insightful tour and slogans like “blow-off is not the answer.” Unintentionally funny: Policeman “rauschi” runs in his uniform and sunglasses on the streets, as if he were a member of the “Village People”. And in the end it is in spite of the moving thread a bit lengthy

Who convinced

The young actors who embody the members of the youth gang.? – Especially Amar Saaifan, who plays the murderer Leon. Kekilli and Wlaschiha have a very strong scene when the Commissioner with the colleagues “Truth or Dare” plays – as it shows that is what is behind the sunglasses



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