The ARD shows instead of the planned Dortmund terrorist”crime scene” a “Polizeiruf”. The subject of vigilante justice is almost as disturbing. The Gleaning.
The finding:
With the decision, on new year’s day the Rostock alarm instead of the actually planned in Dortmund crime scene broadcast, wanted, ARD managers avoid the issue of Terror shortly after the assassination in Berlin. But also the theme of the Replacement of detective stories is disturbing: It is due to the Rehabilitation of Criminal. The title “fear justifies the means” could not fit better. What if someone has served his sentence, but still is stigmatized? How to continue to live, if the house wall “kids fucker out” is sprayed, or on a sign at the garden fence “Hang the rapist”? This self-justice in Eastern Germany, is reminiscent of vigilantes and thus raises current questions.
What is it?
On a Park bench in the small village of Beslow near Rostock found a dead homeless people. She was abused, raped and finally bled to death. In the village community, the culprits are identified quickly: the pedophile Peter Buschke and the rapist Martin Kukulies. Both have served their crime, be excluded by the inhabitants Beslows but and bullied. Even children show Buschke the middle finger. The Rostock alarmDuo Katrin König and Alexander Bukow determined soon in a thicket of hatred, distrust, and self-justice.
for This “alarm” is wrong as a stopgap
Label Dialog:
Peter Buschkes Laptop child porn was discovered, to the authenticity of a Profiler king questioned. But the positions in the Team are similarly distributed as clear as in the village community.
king: His psycho-social needs …
Pöschel: It pisses me off really slow, this eternal perpetrators-victims-make-Bullshit! What is of interest to me because of the fucking psycho-social needs? Really!
team leader Röder: Pöschel! What you doin’here?
king: It is not a question that fits here to Buschke. And you get him automatically with the stuff here, but the whole misery. The needed Integration. Yes, I see it this way. If you would like to integrate pedophiles somehow, then a few more children could be saved in a year, maybe, somehow.
Pöschel: Integration, Yes, Yes, of course. Hey, as a guy, I would not integrate at all, Yes?
In the village of Beslow is cultivated the hatred of convincing. Here, dark places Make, everyone distrusts everyone. Children drive your bike through desolate roads and it was a harsh sound. The village community is to be Afraid of. And the only thing you know, all together, is the counter of the grain at the Pub. It is a credible and authentic staged: Since a can do the children play football or box bounce, sorry.
The kidnapping of the Polish border would not have needed it. That only brings more unnecessary characters in the Plot and is the plot is completely irrelevant.
most Moving scene:
Katrin king, the Suspect Kukulies in an empty barn. She aims the gun at him, but all threats, even a warning shot not to move him. A fight, a punch – and Kukulies king pants down. As king tries to free herself from the clutches of the former rapist is disturbing. But when she finally made it and the weapon on him, but always back in on itself, collapses, is much more disturbing.
punch line in the end:
The whole case was at odds Bukow, so that the king will accept a new Job in Berlin. Even now he gazes around each other biting the lips, before he retires, and his colleague on the marketplace. “I don’t want you to go to Berlin. You stay here – because of me,” he asks you. Well, finally! But who suspected a Happy ending, will be disappointed. King skin first to Bukow and then. Hopefully it was just the shock.
Best viewer comments:
Who’s in “Polizeiruf 110″, where
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