Das the cinema has a thousand faces, but it was the Second no as being. John Hurt was able to talk with his wrinkles, he was able to talk with my mouth closed. And with the forehead. And with the eyes. And with a mere Twitch of the sunken cheek.
If someone in the cinema of the last fifty years, a Mime, then he, the man from Derbyshire, an Englishman through and through, and, of course, the British All-Star cast of the Harry Potter movies so little missing was how Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman or Robert Hardy.
Known from Harry Potter
With Richard Harris, the first, already in 2002, the deceased Albus Dumbledore, had John Hurt and a long, boisterous friendship. Along with Oliver Reed and Peter O’toole, they had formed something of an English Ratpack.
In the Potter universe has embodied John Hurt, the wand – maker Garrick Oliva- memorable for a Generation that had to see him in his big roles and could not imagine, how pleasant it is when John Hurt was in the eighties, as he held out his hollow cheeks, sometimes disgusting, a proper, a manic wrinkle-free decade.
John Hurt as the elephant man in “The Elephant Man” (1980)
source: picture alliance / Captital Pict
John Hurt was – allegedly-ton, all disfiguring mask – David Lynch’s “elephant man”. But most of all he was, as George Orwell’s dystopia “1984″ in the year 1984 by Michael Radford, so to speak, the final was filmed, the man of sorrows Winston Smith.
Hardly anyone ever has been convincing tortured by The agony of the double-think stand John Hurt in the face and his duel with Richard Burton, who starred in his last role of the torturer, you are one of the great duels in the history of cinema.
showed up But no matter where John Hurt: He remained in the memory, he was big even in the small roles.
His appearance in “Alien”
The famous scene from Alien. source: Youtube
In the first “Alien” was the memorable first victim of (what he wrote again of the history of cinema), in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull” was he also seen. The Blockbuster was not really his area.
According to Hollywood, he went only to earn money for a Better one. Not the Oscar can also be a mark of distinction. Hurt received a Golden Globe and four BAFTAs, was appointed Commander of the British Empire and went in the Other Theater play.
In “1984″ the party trailer O’brian (Richard Burton,l.) at Winston (John Hurt) as an ally from
source: picture alliance / United archives
on Beckett’s face, he had always been, most recently, he played “The last tape”: the ultimate Solo for a dramedy dinatenwert. The role with which he experienced his breakthrough was the gay icon Quenstin Crisp in “The Naked Civil Servant” – he took in 2009, in “an Englishman in New York”. A circle had closed.
almost two years Ago, it became known that John Hurt was suffering from pancreatic cancer. He announced to stay until the end of actor. He has made his promise to the life to come true: Since Thursday, he is to be seen in all cinemas in “Jackie”. On Friday, he died in London. John Hurt was 77 years old.
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