James Cameron to the death of a movie character
© Byron Purvis/AdMedia/image collect
defend almost 20 years after the release of the cult film “Titanic” is on many people apparently still a question of “life and death”: Had Jack die – played by Leo DiCaprio – in the strip because really? At regular intervals, even “Titanic”Director James Cameron (62) is provided to this question. These days, it is now time of the year again: to defend is high time for Cameron, the tragic death of a good-looking Film-a man against all critics. This time on demand from the website “The Daily Beast”.
“It’s about these ‘Mythbusters’Episode, right?” amused Cameron. The US documentary series, “Mythbusters” had we calculated in 2012 that the piece of wooden on the Jack and Rose alias Kate Winslet in the movie after the sinking of the Titanic goings-on, would have been big and viable enough for both of them, if you would have attached two lifejackets because Cameron couldn’t convince the TV people. “These are nice people and I loved to do this Show with them, but have only nonsense in your head,” he said.
“Maybe we screwed up”
“Okay, then, let us the time to really play through”, asked Cameron his conversation partner, and explained immediately why the Plan of the “Mythbusters” could not save the many Fans of beloved movie character: “so You’re here to your rescue vest slimming, your swimming, your slimming, this thing, the West kind of place that you don’t leave two minutes later – which means that you’re five to ten minutes in the -2 degree cold water, under the water. If you don’t show up again, you’re already dead.”
How plausible this explanation is, can decide all of the “Titanic”of friends. Against a different Argument to Cameron’s is, however, grown just not a herb. “Look, it’s very, very simple: you read page 147 of the rotary guide, and it says, ‘Jack is leaving the Board and makes your space so that you can survive.’ As simple as that.” Already in the beginning of 2016, the pragmatic Director the Fans of the facts of the case had been declared, says: “The script that Jack dies. He had to die. So we screwed it up, perhaps, and the Board would have to be a tiny bit smaller – but the Boy must go.”
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