Sunday, January 15, 2017

“The scene of the crime” Cologne: Old Nazis, new Nazis – TIME ONLINE

folders out of class work! The subliminal government propaganda hammers on the door, public education is on the schedule. The homework in the scene loud this week: Who is evil, who is good? Is “realistic” is just what fits me? When is the last time I look, the worsening of the scene-follow? How often do I write here? What is the color on the left has green? The correct answers until Monday at noon in the comment area below. Anyone who answers incorrectly, pays a quarter of the doubled licence fee, or whatever it’s called.

Smaller fun to anticipate! Because for the Weary-Laden in our quiet round here, must be the programming of the Cologne scene: Watch on the Rhine (CTR editors: Götz Bolten) this Sunday as the dot under the 12. Exclamation point appear. Again! It is, in fact, as of last week, one of the most heated issues of our time; in this scene migrant Criminals – this time in the Form of a citizens ‘ militia – the rights of the Locals.

reason is, even if this explanation will be the Mühseligst-Laden shooting that Frankfurt’s episode of last week, was preferred, because the completion of the originally for the 8. January scheduled Episode was postponed.

On the thematic Overlap between the federalism of the broadcasters has, of course, to blame. 22 different scene-lists the ARD currently, three callTeams (Rostock, Magdeburg, and then soon, oh come no, outgoing merveilleuse Meuffels in Munich). Makes 25 different ARD on Sunday evening detectives, who want to potentially make all of the something to do with the presence, the all hold into the scramble for the politically distinctive materials such as the Sprinter in the target arrivals of the Tour de France. Because it will come, even if there is a Form of coordination, getting to the Ball.

the internal logic of the Cologne scene Watch on the Rhine of course the fix workmanship and cobbled-together response to “Köln” (“Cologne 1″), the new year’s eve, new year’s eve 2015/16. You can imagine the project meeting lively (“we Need to do something, so we will not be accused of, we would authorize a subject of taboo”). And the result of babbling, your ambition, to behave in a journalistic style, even The Watch on the Rhine is the first scene, talk of the election, Donald trump is the President of the United States.

In a brief radio message to actually spend on a case, relevant information, the 45. The President mentioned. What is not without a sense of Humor, because “realistically” considered would extend the summer atmosphere of ongoing investigations in almost four months: At the 19.07.2016 Lars Deisböck (Paul Falk) should be in the pet shop of his father had been killed; the Trump was elected to the 9.11.2016. So spacious fictions.

at the same time the Watch on the Rhine (writer: Jürgen Werner) not excessive Ambition, to invent plausible characters. The vigilante-in-chief (Ex-Heiko Drechsler from Magdeburg: Sylvester Groth), the Agency Hipsterin (Karoline Bär) and the migrant Criminals Khalid Hamidi (Samy Abdel Fattah) talking about how in the media circulating standard attitudes of talk on the subject. The generated especially in the case of Hamidi is an amazing gap. He is wise enough to promote the issue to its reset diskursi, but is so stupid to Rob a pet store, whose owner had just been promoted to the Robbery. This is one of the, well, Twists of the plot, that the prior of Broke-standing owner of a case by the one who blabbed everywhere, how much money is it allegedly so that the military gets what to do.


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