Actor Matthias Brandt is planning his exit as “Polizeiruf”-Commissioner. Since 2011, he has determined on behalf of the Bavarian radio. But the station wants the 55-Year-old are reluctant to draw
Matthias Brandt (archive)
Matthias Brandt wants to get out of the ARD-crime series “Polizeiruf 110″. “On the nature and timing of the exit, we are currently in the exchange,” said the Bavarian radio in Munich on Tuesday. The editorial office was “in intensive talks with Matthias Brandt, thinks, after a long and trustful cooperation with the BR to the Stop”.
The BR seems to hope that the 55-Year-old thought about it again in a different way. The actor had said of the “süddeutsche Zeitung” before, however, pretty clear that he’ll stop – in this or in the coming year.
He did not want to be on the investigator role. “Television Commissioner is with us, fun way a professional designation. I would, however, hate to bring it permanently in shape. Rather as a policeman, I’m an actor.”
several Meuffels-follow
From spring to a more “Polizeiruf be planned”-follow with Brandt planned, it was said by BR. “In the many national and international Offerings, the Matthias Brandt receives, it is understandable if he wants to accept, after all the years of other roles.” It was not “an abrupt parting, and none in dispute,” said Brandt of the “SZ”. How many movies are to be filmed, is still unclear.
Brandt, son of former Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt, is seen since 2011, as a Commissioner, Hanns von Meuffels in the “Polizeiruf 110″ from Munich. He was the successor of Jörg Hube.
His first case for the Sunday night Thriller, the shares of the prominent place the “crime scene”, was called “Cassandra’s warning” and was staged by Director Dominik Graf. The movies with Brandt received good reviews and several nominations for the Grimme award.
on the Internet
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I see Mr. Brandt in a League with Chris pot Walz and Bruno Ganz (hopefully here spelled correctly!) The ARD does not ask him to burn as the scene of the crime-Commissioner, it is designed for more demanding. I like written by his silence.
I see Mr. Brandt in a League with Chris pot Walz and Bruno Ganz (hopefully, right here!) The ARD does not ask him to burn as the scene of the crime-Commissioner, it is designed for more demanding. I don’t like Pity his silence.
if he is the von Meuffels. This skill is going to stop it, is well understood. Look forward to the pending consequences.
not too Bad, if he is the von Meuffels. This skill is going to stop it, is well understood. Look forward to the pending consequences.