Jede gets the Film it deserves. We have now, there’s a strange man as a 45. President of the political and aesthetic terms, is still all-powerful United States of America La La Land is sworn in, “”.
In Germany, the Film just. It shot Damien is after “Whiplash” – only the second evening filler as directed by wonder boy up Chazelle (the day before Donald trump’s Inauguration Chazelle is 32 years old).
At the award ceremony of the Golden Globes, he has scored a record seven awards. And in all the important categories: best Film, best Director, best screenplay, best actor, best music, best Song.
The sweetest seduction always came from Hollywood
the Film, which was premiered at the opening of the festival in Venice continues its triumphal March. Has not he deserves it – the straight to the point – actually. Because in the original there is nothing in this tried to Retro-Musical.
relaxed to the really pretty opening sequence, before the Morning Skyline of Downtown L. A. on your sheet dance bowls motorway jam lot. Yet somehow, fatal to the opening of the East German musical “Hot summer” with Chris Doerk and Frank Schöbel remembered…
eye-Candy. Brain-Sugar. The sweetest seduction, the klebrigste distraction, you always came out of Hollywood. The dream factory of beautiful celluloid lies, the artificial Studio worlds. The parallel universe next to the orange groves at the California Studio coast, still shining in the light of the electric pig launcher can.
Thus, the American cinema has helped the country, but also in the world by the Depression, has let the horrors of the great and small wars, forget, has comforted concerning technology leaps and societal upheaval.
And as the went further than this amazing car came to be rather a System of the old Jewish emigrants Patriarch to be the end, as it has invented itself as the New Hollywood and the world to the real eye looked. Or it tries to at least.
It was once the Genre of the movie Musical…
The old Hollywood, it was defined by its Genres and Quality levels. There were the A – and B-Pictures, the thrillers and gangster pieces, the comedies, the glamour of movies, the ham, the Costume, the women-wine-movies, the think By – and propaganda films.
And since the sound the techni color colorful film musicals. Just as was allowed and you could be innovative, because to believe this about insanity stairs rolling and in the Korean war costumes quilts had to end Pictures of a marshmallow anyway, no one.
It was escapism pure, not subjected to rules. Therefore, could succeed an elderly Gentleman like Fred Astaire as the Star, a ballet dancer, like Cyd Charisse, one of inferiority complexes and dependence on prescription Drugs-ridden multi-talent such as Judy Garland, a swimmer like Esther Williams, a fruit covered Brazilian as Carmen Miranda and one with the correct dimensions equipped (false) blonde Betty Grable.
The movie musical is, of course, the end of the ‘ 60s different, and almost silent, the bitter Nazi satire “Cabaret” (where the music is heard but only in the Berlin Vergnügungsbums) was in 1972, probably the last, really good post. The Oscar for best Film “Cabaret” got “” but. The last movie musical with this predicate, the very retro-knitted “Chicago,” which received the award in 2001. In this year, pretty sure “La La Land” on it.
“La La” cost would be a paltry $ 30 million
which shows that the Musical should not really die, again and again as a sham dead Beautiful nourished and is reactivated; although Damien Chazelle had to fight for his movie for years, and his final $ 30 million cost for just ten minutes, the average blockbuster product.
The bitter-sweet, in all the most delicious candy colors dipped “La La Land” is playing, of course, a virtuoso on a second keyboard, best movie genres – most-evil-cynical Self-analysis of Hollywood as Tinseltown, and – Yes – La La Land.
in 1950, culminated in Billy Wilder’s “Sunset Boulevard” in a pitch black roller coaster ride into the abyss of oblivion – the learned, yet her stage adaptation as an Opera-like Lloyd-Webber Musical.
Ryan Gosling likes to claim that he had become in three months, a concert pianist. The no eight-year-old piano student
source: AP
in Contrast, and compared to all the other genuine, original, original MGM Musicals, the curls today, anywhere, even to Stream and Download buy, is “La La Land” is only a poor imitation, a small, nice, generous on the irony of the rail, therefore, juddering movies. Seen, liked, and after the credits, forget it.
However, this sweet Cocktail was stirred very clever. And moreover, Chazelles father is a French computer scientist, very rational, with a bit of Gallic ingredients refined. But so that the tutti-Frutti concoction has enough California instant taste. And from a lay appearance be liable to you, be bit of charm.
A thousand times told Feelgood story
Here is not much more than the old, often told Feelgood story from the spectacle of Chicks, covered unsuccessfully by a ferocious audition to the other, while it loses his Boyfriend, a gifted jazz pianist who sold, of course for money in the desolate night clubs, and later to the then-setting fame.
For Chazelle with the for the third Time United Couple Emma Stone (a redhead and Yes, Doris-Day-blonde daft as a Mia) and Ryan Gosling (soooo cute with three-day beard in a blue suit as Sebastian) is the perfect It Combo the hour. Brangelina are history Day and Rock Hudson, Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, Joan Crawford and Clark Gable are already much longer.
If at the end of “La La Land” only this picture left, it wouldn’t be too bad: Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling give Leslie Caron and Gene Kelly
source: AP
The Story, aside from the very calculated and staged the final, so it is hardly that delighted all. It is the Aura and the chemistry between Stone and Gosling that makes the adrenaline level rise.
you have to play relaxed and get along well so that their limited singing and dancing skills will be exposed. What is the Film laminated but sent as a strength. Finally, we are here in Los Angeles, La La Land, where nobody really takes seriously, all falseness and pretense.
Here is all falsehood and pretence
And yet to learn both, of course, in the Griffith Observatory, where James Dean in “For they know not what they do” knife struggled to Waltz music and dancing to the artificial stars to fly. Finally, Gosling has summoned it with wisperndem baritone, the “City of Stars” as the everlasting song theme.
The score of Justus Hurwitz and the writers Benj Pasek and Justin Paul over lolling tongue-in-cheek and piano jiggling on plagiarism, glued to wonderful breakthroughs and dead-ends, optimized barren and thirsty stretch of the screenplay for Chazelle. Why are some questioning if it issues, but anyway, permanent and penetrating as the Retro-artificiality?
In the cardboard scenes of one of the colors of the Impressionists, conjuring up the world of the Studio in 1951, danced to Gershwin-the sounds of Gene Kelly with Leslie Caron as “Americans in Paris” by a still gorgeous genuine creation. “La La Land” is a just because of its bright variegation so bitter impact of a jumble of quotations. Fixed the protagonists, Mia and Sebastian moved to its own historicity, as to the beginning of the duration of the jam.
Damien Chazelle gets the better in the grip than it, most recently, the Coen brothers, with their loving, but in too many puzzle crumbs of decaying Hollywood-tribute “Hail, Caesar!”. But what he tried in “La La Land”, is ultimately a second-quotes-infusion.
Gene Kelly is simply no substitute for
Because of the stylistic Original plays, in 1967, in the Département of Charente-Maritime. The America fortified enclosure Jacques Demy directed in “Les Demoiselles de Rochefort”, a nostalgia, a dream of Hollywood in the West of France.
And he made the whole movie courageous with piepsenden little voice in the Säuseljazz through singing. But he had for Catherine Deneuve and her tragic early deceased sister, Françoise Dorléac. And Gene Kelly!
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