Monday, November 7, 2016

Scandal “Anne Will”: Bosbach in horror: “Such advertising for radicalisation … – FOCUS Online

Monday, 07.11.2016, 16:59 · von FOCUS-Online-editor Ulf Lüdeke
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The Muslim “women’s representative” Nora Illi of Switzerland made in Anne Wants is a scandal. Criticism it Wants to but also of the direction of Anne. CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach was one of the show’s guests and speaks in FOCUS-Online-Interview about the evening in the ARD.

FOCUS Online : Mr Bosbach, you’ve been in many talk show guest. You have such a TV appearance such as those in the Muslim radicalization in Anne Wants already experienced?

Wolfgang Bosbach: Unfortunately, I need to give you to this question, the classical policy response: Yes and no! I can remember still the fact that a few years ago when Günther Jauch a, well, let’s say once very talkative Imam was a guest, the amazing theses represented – but this Form of advertising for Muslim radicalization I’ve experienced in any Talk Show. At least that was a first for me, probably also for German television.

“loses it to Who, or leaves the room, has to have felt to lost”

FOCUS Online: As you think about the show?

Bosbach: For one, I was really glad that Ahmad Mansour was one of the party. He can show a clear edge, without throwing him immediately to the accusation of Islamophobia to the head. On the other hand I had to keep me in the show more than once to whisper: “Quiet, just not from the skin driving!” – Because anyone who loses or leaves the room, has already lost. Therefore, I have endeavoured to keep the argument against it, even though it was in the heat of battle, quite simply.

FOCUS Online: What was it like to have a debate with a fully veiled young woman?

Bosbach: It was a strange feeling, because Yes, actually, at least according to my understanding, to a really open conversation and the visibility of the counterpart belongs to, in this case, Mrs Illi. It is not just the spoken words, but also on the whole personality, also on facial Expressions and Gestures. In other words: I would like to know with whom I discuss, but the guests themselves have no influence on the selection of the round of talks.

In the Video: After scandal appearance at Will: Now the “women’s representative” Illi

FOCUS Online: you Had the opportunity to speak before or after the show behind the Scenes with her in?

Bosbach:, either before or after the show. I’ve only arrived shortly before the beginning of broadcasting, in the Studio and after the show I had a long discussion with the editor-in-chief Andreas Schneider who I have known for many years, and both personally and professionally, very appreciate. He has described to me in detail the reasons for the invitation of Mrs Illi, and also explains why the controversial Internet site appears, and I have honestly endeavored to understand the motivations of the editors.

FOCUS Online you yourself have in the show by Anne Wants to be criticized, that a public TV channel Illis ideologies are so much a part of. Is allowed to occur to such people at all on public television?

CDU-doubts inner-expert, that the TV rounds with guests like Nora Illi reach your destination

Bosbach: Good question! Of course, “may be invited” to such persons, in any case, I know of no legal provision which prohibits this. The only question is whether you can achieve the goal, what you want to achieve by the invitation in such a discussion. Doubts are appropriate. In the short time it is hardly possible to speak about the important as well as current topics in as much detail as this would be, given the drama of the topic is actually necessary. This is true not only for subjects such as Islam, Sharia and the IS-ideology and Terror of the IS, this applies to other political issues.

Perhaps those in the television to think in peace about whether or not it is actually useful and plausible to occur disguised in the television, because in any case, the overwhelming majority of the viewers would like to know how the Person looks who is speaking. One is interested not only for the spoken word, even for facial Expressions and Gestures. Anne Wants to is on television and not the Radio.

Video: CSU returns to Congress new policy programme bear it.

FOCUS Online it Was a mistake of the ARD, Illi at all to invite and to give her the opportunity to propagate their theories in front of an audience of millions?

Bosbach: On this question will be discussed now in the competent bodies closely, the editors will defend their decision, certainly, as the editor-in-chief of me has done. Perhaps the invitation itself was not the biggest Problem, but the lack of opportunity in such detail with the crude theses of the lady confront, as this would have been necessary.

FOCUS Online: How they felt the conversation led by Anne Wants? Would have to the Utterances of Mrs Illi anymore?

Bosbach: Anne Wants I can do now really is no allegation that she has made a great effort to make a difficult Situation the Best. Of course, you could have Mrs Illi also argumentative and somewhat harder to meet, but it was the other participants in the conversation and maybe she wanted to stay, quite simply, politely, and I’d even understanding. I would also be risks to the skin and, even more, Tacheles had been talking to, but whoever loses it or leaves the room, has already lost.

In the Video: scandal-appearance at Anne Wants: Through this statement the whole of Germany

appearance at Anne Wants Punk First, and now the Niqab-wearer: This is the scandal-a Muslim from the TV Talk
After the scandal of “Anne Will”talk show ARD, has defended the invitation of a Muslim in a Niqab as a “reasonable and right”
TV-criticism “Anne Will” Talk of the guests were horrified: Muslim woman is responsible for TV-scandal

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